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but do feel that being full trade is a privelage.?

I wouldn't say that full trade would be a pivelage as such, although I know where you are coming from.

Take me for example, I joined and was given Full Trade, which I am not moaning about, as I would like to help where I can.

Some members may have full trade but may not really want it, they see a post from JP and reply with the posts you are complaining about.

I reckon with the help of your mods you could already draw up a list of members who could keep Full trade. The members who dis the public probably wouldn't want it anyway.


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I have been giving this idea some serious though for quite some time. Hence the creation of the Trade Only group a while back.

Hi Dave,

but this 'trade only' group is volentary membership as i understood it, for those wishing to avoid public requests made in post's.

no one want's to stiffle free speech or banter, but some go way too far and i hate any abuse of that freedom, when i see getting out of hand i tend to jump in and defend the victims of the worst one's.

for those who don't know where the line is, there is a very simple yardstick for conduct and manners in this forum, just don't say what you would not say face to face, especially that which would risk taking a trip to casualty.



If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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I agree with dave totaly. Some of the comments to the pubic are disgusting and out of order people come on here for help and get told to get an engineer. If people wanted to get an engineer they would have gone in the yellow pages. They come here for advice and assistance not for snide comments or to be told to get an engineer straight away when the basic thing we could have helped with. I've even helped someone via email just to wire a simple bellbox cause no one would help him. I think this forum needs to be more helpful to members of the public.

Bass is dead right imo, many JP's also want to know if they are getting screwed over, having seen rouge traders and watchdog, and are justified in being suspicious, on guard against rip off merchants. so why on earth many can only mantra on about getting an engineer in is beyond me. in many cases that is their best recourse, but many are just being prudent to ask for a second opinion or explanation of our goblygook, and they need help with courtesy not with snooty riposte's thinly disguised as being 'witty'.



If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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I agree that some replies are out of order to the point of being rude, but in all honesty some people both amongst members here and from visitors clearly need a sense of humour transplant.

sorry roger,

thats a very short sighted remark imo, the JP's are concerned for their security, often they only have a limited budget so they turn to us the 'experts' who they might expect to take them seriously as we are serious professionals in a serious business.

i would like to think we do, but always seems to turn into shooting fish in a barrel session, all too many get flayed mercilessly. and what was their crime? just asking us.

getting told not to give up the day job (ho ho ho :no: -) thats just plain rude on 'our' part.



If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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Bass, i find myself disagreeing with you here, so basically they want us to tell them how to fix it for free, with full and detailed instructions. Im sorry i for one dont agree and why i dont reply to these posts unless its to say, 'i think you need an engineer' or 'press reset'. If its a simple user error then fine, but if its a link out the tamper type question i wont be assisting in those. You neednt have replied over email why didnt you reply in the topic?

hi James,

we are going to butt heads on this, while some do want a free training course, many have had systems fitted ny a 'mate' or other part timer and got rooked. they won't post this fact because nobody wants to appear to be so gullable.

i have also helped several directly by pm's, simply to prevent the stupid sniping, i don't want that person to be picked on by the know it alls who should know how to conduct themselves better, it reflects so badly on the publics perception of our trade.



If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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hi all,

common sense has to apply in how much help you do give, defaulting is an obvious no no, exsplaining the difference between entry route and final exit, PA and 24 hour or timed exit and final door set is not going to kill anyone.

we recently had a computer mad guy hell bent on hooking up his security and all manner of wonderful things to a spare pc, but with patient straight advice has guided him away from that idea now. he may just get a simple panel instead or maybe a firm in. so we have possibly saved many sleepless nights for his neighbours, and a bad rep for alarm systems in general with them, that's surely is a roaring success for this forum imo.



If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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i too have helped a couple out via private message or email

Sometimes though that can do more harm than good going on some of the incorrect advice that gets flung about. If it's on the forum then yes someone will jump on it but at least it's picked up on.

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Sometimes though that can do more harm than good going on some of the incorrect advice that gets flung about. If it's on the forum then yes someone will jump on it but at least it's picked up on.

i know what you mean, just like the recent tamper discussion.


not that much of a risk imo as not so very different than going into a strangers home and giving our concidered oppinion. they can seek another opinion or accept ours, as long as you qualify your advising with the 'site unseen'.

i just mention i've not gained any new clients from this, but thats not the intension anyway.



If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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