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Double Balanced Door Contacts


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Well, I've heard that Knight use only EU or US made ones, I assume Elmdene buy 'locally' in China as they manufacture over there, and Ventcroft I can only guess must have bought a really sh1tty batch from god knows where.

I have never had a door contact fail like that before, an RSD yes, although that wasn't welded shut that was random opening.


This is correct datadiffusion.  We only use UK sourced reeds in our products, from Hamlin and Standex.  These high quality components may cost more than the foreign manufacturers, but we keep costs down through efficient mass manufacturing and our other strength over our competitiors is that all of ours are manufactured and assembled here in the UK.  I remember seeing a competitors' packaging which clearly states 'Made in China'...


Even with the highest quality however, the nature and fragility of the reeds themselves means that they need very careful handling from receipt by us right through to installation and maintenance. 


Despite the tightest QA procedures involving testing every product before they’re shipped, there are always a tiny number that somehow arrive on site in a faulty condition.  The nature of the reeds inside means that an invisible crack can test ok at the factory, but as the sealed gas slowly seeps out, it becomes faulty before or even months after install / handover.


As a company we always ask for any faulty units to be returned so we can test them to see what went wrong.  We also offer a no quibble replacement arrangement (either through your distributor or direct through us).  Unfortunately, as they are often the lowest cost part of the system, they're often binned so we never find out  :-(


Of those that do report back however, we respond very quickly.

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Wanting to install some door contacts on a galaxy 2 Honeywell system any1 got an suggestions on any good ones needs to be 1k resistance either side

im thinking elmdene ones but thery're 400Ohms over would this cause any problems?


Not sure what EN50131 grade system this is but we have loads of options for you, inlcuding selectable resistors for all the main UK panels in one product on our preresistored products (i.e. not 'colour' or 'Type' coded for different panels) plus ours have generous operating gaps and are suitable for use on double doors / shared zones / wired in series:


Grade 2 surface contacts:



G3 surface contacts:


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Ha ha. We always used CQR for a couple of years until we started to get loads of callouts with them going Hi Res.

Moved to knights and had very few problems apart from the magnet dropping out of its glue inside the contact.

It seems like there isn't enough glue to hold it in so we now add a dab of silicone, job done.

Just installed a Knights D75 contact. Loads better than the Yend74 and no chance of the magnets dropping out as the are about five times bigger and a snug fit.

A much more robust contact, just a shame it doesn't have eol resistors.

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