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Interference On Cameras

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pointless comments? The issue here is that you aren't capable of fixing it. The purpose of the DIY part of the forum is to assist diyers with DIY kit. Your issue isn't a DIY problem.

I'm sure if I got some advice id easily be able to fix it myself.

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Could be a few things


A) Dirty on the camera Lens (Saw it happen before and will see it again) which could cause Ghost image

B) Could be the Cables (Fault or bend in cable could of damaged the smaller cables inside to cause fault)

C) DVR - Could be. 


Best bet I saw is to connect the CCTV into a stand alone system or even a Mini CCTV monitor. 

Do you know what type of connector they are?  BNC, USB, BRW connections.

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Matthew,  In my opinion if you're giving answers like that then you should really just look on trade, it's what you obviously do best, no dis meant though, just an observation.

No dis taken :). Thing is, I must be one of the very few people who accept my limitations. For example, I wouldn't dream of calling up a garage out of the blue and asking to speak to an experienced mechanic, for free, and ask him to talk me through how to fix a problem with my car. I know nothing about it apart from how to drive so if it was outside manufacturer warranty I'd take it to a mechanic.

Same with decorating. I know nothing at all. Never pasted a piece of wall paper in my life as I don't know what I'm doing so the likely outcome is I'd make a pigs ear of it so I call the decorator.

It seems I'm alone!


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Thats just the point by your very admission, you've never tried it, some people do, and they look to the likes of our forums to give them help as best we can, whats the point of a public help forum if we don't offer help to the public?.

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My take on this is the OP wants an answer...and the solution to magically happen.

By process of elimination he should pretty much have worked it by now, afterall, he's enough time to post up smart **** comments.

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Well . . .

Using my car analogy the non trained can do certain tasks such as air in tyres, screen wash but things like oil change of brake pad change can have serious knock on effect if you goof it so best to pay someone who knows what they are doing who in all likelihood would have it done whilst I was thinking about it.

IMO advice to DIY doing DIY stuff with say a Yale/r8/accenta is what this is for. You get people buying pro gear and trying to circumvent the installer altogether with a product not designed for Danny DIY but they try and usually make a complete balls of it.

It is clear with the likes of b&q that this have a go and **** up is popular. I was on a boat trip earlier and saw someone who had put their own security lighting in and just took one look and thought FFS.

Cable like a dogs back leg, outdoor jb with those gromits you cut, top entry with a hole size of the euro tunnel so when the rain comes it will be swimming. Cable comes down to near floor level (no mechanical protection of course) to what looks like the level a socket would be at in 1mm cable so my thought then think has this clown taken it straight from a ring?

Side and front rather than wired daisy chain came back to the rear jb. Cable grey, clips white but clips looked for 2.5mm cable but as loose as anything due to cable not being 2.5mm and I just thought Danny DIY strikes again. Hope that lack of mechanical protection doesn't lead to him getting projected into outer space.

There is an alarm near me that offends by eye sight every time I go past it. Cable comes out at floor level, drilled from inside with now 1/2 the brick missing. Cable clipped up the wall to 1/2 way to the roof into an un branded ody 3. I've often been tempted to snip it to see if the tamper and sab battery is connected.


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