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If Paying Tv License Gets Decriminalised, Will You Still Pay?

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i ripped my Ariel out so i could drill the whole out an pull a few cat cables through,

i haven't watched Tv since 2007, its utter garbage, lies mind spam, lots of gardening an cooking shows,

camp presenters that are allegedly funny, the stand up comedy isnt worth the effort anymore so theres nothing on there worth watching, they have been told an i have to re-tell them every few years i don't watch it, an if they open my locked gate an come in,

then they will be getting done for trespassing on private land, theres nothing on there i want to watch its boring an full of bs

how do you know?

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I enjoy listening to radio 4 and watching the documentaries etc so I pay it. If you can afford sky/virgin you can afford the telly license.

I do the same. Pay zillions for sky and listen/watch bbc. I must say I think it is very good value for money compared to sky.


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the picture is Ids Ian Druken Spliff, :beer:

when i visit my elderly mother shes got the tv on all the time but its got her cctv on most of the time otherwise i end up going in the other room

my hate for modern telly started with the adverts used to drive me up the wall

as i said its utter garbage,

id rather spend the time i used to watch tv doing stuff to keep the fat off :)

if i do want to watch something i like theres plenty of stuff on Internet :smash:

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