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Anyone been following this new series on channel 4 that the residents are now wanting banned as it shows them 'in a bad light'?

I'm sure anyone who hands over tax every month would have more than reasonable grounds to be annoyed after watching the program.


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Don't watch ***** like that, in the same vein as all reality TV: to whip up reaction and hatred.

Hatred. That's one of the emotions I have towards the people thieving my tax £s, yes.


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Is this benefits street? I liked the way the druggy goes into the Premier Inn nicks a load of magazines from the reception then starts selling them as Big Issues. I bought one or two Big Issues in the past but the content was so **** I started just giving the bloke the money but not taking the paper, Ill be looking closely at the paper before I do that again.


Brighton Council were on the news the other night talking about the state of the seafront and how they cant afford to get it painted, I really dont understand why the government is paying people to do nothing when they have work that needs doing? 

Yea I've watched it. Apparently some of it is setup for TV apparently the 50p man visiting certain houses is staged.

Yea it bothers Me but not a lot we can do about it.

The 50p man could afford to drive around in a nice car and smoke fags so he must be doing something right, come to think of it they could all afford to smoke, hows that work??

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Yea I've watched it. Apparently some of it is setup for TV apparently the 50p man visiting certain houses is staged.

Yea it bothers Me but not a lot we can do about it.

You could look at ways if avoiding coughing up tax to avoid contributing to the unfair system. Seeing stuff like this certainly encouraged me to consider trying to beat the system in protest.

I don't get how they can afford to smoke drink and have huge TVs and iphones etc.

If they only get so little a week.

If there really isn't any jobs for them then fine.

They could have nicked them :)

Most employers I know have vacancies they can't find people for. I don't believe there is a jobs shortage


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Hatred. That's one of the emotions I have towards the people thieving my tax £s, yes.

life's too short to be consumed by hatred over things you have no control over, focus on the things you can change.

Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.

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