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Whats The World Coming To?


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I wish it all was all wireless,  Life would be easier,   But could we rely on the reliability ?  . . . Who knows..


Basicly, I've installed all the physical hardware for 90% of the installation, I'm going back next week to wire everything up and have a big switch on.. lmao

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We have taken recordings from installed CCTV projects ever since we have been installing digital. We thought it would be good if the customer ever accused us of not pointing the cameras in the right direction. We have some larger sites where cameras have gone down 3 months earlier and the customer hasnt reported the problem so there is no live recording on site The original recordings have come in handy sending them to the engineers phone so that he can identify exactly which camera has gone down rather than deciphering the spec or label on the cable or the camera descrpition on the screen

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I've been doing it for the last 2 weeks,

I wanted some bespoke custom images for a promotional video were having made


Just built two identical panels up at the office before going to site, Makes a good photo, in my opinion that is...


You spoke about this a day or so ago ( If it was not you then slap me down)

Took out a Nice and Comelit for this?


A good job b4 you say anything. Very tidy and one I would be proud of.


Why lose the Comelit and Nice is my quest?

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I've been doing it for the last 2 weeks,

I wanted some bespoke custom images for a promotional video were having made


Just built two identical panels up at the office before going to site, Makes a good photo, in my opinion that is...

neat job,plenty of space..looks good,worthy of a pic thats for sure

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The original installation quality of the intercom system and automation was beyond description.


* Lots of cabling was sheared off where they had the pulled cables through 25mm holes in the gooseneck colums,

* Induction loops extended with 0.5 flex cable, Giving intermittent presence fluctuations on the resistance reading


There was far too much wrong to list, A picture speaks a thousand words, so here we go








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Piddle poor worksmanship and a cant be arsed to do a good job attitude has led to innevitable product failings and eventually total failure


Easiest thing was to rip the lot out, Start again.  The chiefs at the council wanted an end to the issues.  This was the sure way of offering it

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