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Utterly Useless Cctv Images


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Mobotix is good stuff! Ugly but good! They are limited in their range and don't seem to of improved much over the years but luckily they were miles ahead to start with


Agreed. Each camera has its own NVR built-in and you can record directly to NAS with no other software running. I think they were the only ones they can do this although Axis now has a similar solution for up to 16 cameras. Still I think Mobotix has disadvantages since it is a bit propriertary system and uses its own codec - so on a big project with enterprise VMS running the show, MObotix is not the best camera candidate.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Guys,

how long agao was 420TVL regarded has Hi Def?


some are being a bit harsh here, you always have to remember as soon as you fit even the best camera available at the time, it soon becomes outdated, often seems even as you unwrap it.


Just like any electronics, CCTv kit is always evolving better quality, some of the cheaper kit was once sold as high end, but as it is superseded the makers have to off load it to clears stock for the newer kit. Looking at the 'SECURITY' on that big guys shirt in the the 1st clip it has has serious focus issues but who actually installed it? likely most in here could get a better image on cheap kit than a DIYer with very Hi Spec kit - because we are trained and i hope have both the right test gear - and knowledge.


A camera behind a shop might not be for crime, but to see if the rubbish bin is not overflowing and leaving the owner liable for a council fine, or a warden is sticking tickets on staff or clients cars, perhaps if someone else is dumping their rubbish in there., as example I have a client with 22 cameras,not for security but so she can see if her 4 cats and 2 dogs are ok, and the poop is being picked up while she is in America,


been in for years on 2 x highly reliable LJD Leviathan's, if she ever gets broken into, obviously better later Hi Res cameras and D1 DVR would help identity purpose better, That is NOT what she bought it for, she can see what she asked for to her needs, and so that in her mind represents good value for what she paid.

If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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Agreed on the above but I always try to convince all customers to go for a mexapixel system. If no and it is going to be analog then we at least try to go for a full D1 DVR. We dont succeed always though since some people just want "cameras" and the cheapest price so then we go for the lower analog range equipment from the Dahua range. Something important that I am going to do very soon is to setup in our office demo systems so that the customers can see and compare cameras - I think this way we might be able to push more megapixel systems.

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you can still lose work over £20.00 in the lower end, and then they won't spend more anyway. imho most just want the deterrent ir gadget value..

remote access is now very popular, and i think a good thing in that the sytem will be viewed more once the novelty wears off. iso's with low upload speeds cause problems with todays high res images due to bandwidth and file sizes.

to this end on unmanned sites, i have started adding a cheap laptop, then using logmein i can search much quicker as i'm only streaming the desktop.

If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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