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Day Rate Explained

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HI Everyone,

Just wanted to get some advice from you all about your understanding about day rates.

An electrician told me that his day rate was £130.

He only turned up at 3pm and finished at the first site at 4.30pm.

I then asked him to work on another site as we had time and I had work elsewhere anyway so would get the most of a day's work from him but he was unable to join me as he had a prior engagement.

I then told him to just invoice me for the 2 hours (thinking £130 / 8 hours x 2 hours).

Today I had a full day's work for him starting at 9am but he didn't arrive until 10am and then mentioned he needed to leave at 2pm for another appointment.

Again I was only looking to pay for his 4 hours work since he left of his own accord.

Tonight he has sent me a bill for £130 x 2 days.

Is this right as I feel it seems unfair? If I had asked him to leave early due to lack of work then that would be different but he left of his own accord.

What should I do? I feel bullied but if you think he's in his right to 2 full day's pay then we'll do the honourable thing.


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Some subbies do have some funny ideas £130 is cheap for a sparks good ones are £200 a day. I would guess that you have a bit of an arguement on your hands, but I would only pay him for the hrs he has worked

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I would say day rate = 8 hours

The opinions I express are mine and are usually correct!

(Except when I'm wrong)(which I'm not)

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IMO day rate is that. He works for whoever for that day for £x.

I wouldnt pay it, but if you have to come to an arrangement then do that and do not use them again. But if you want my day rate is £350 but ill always have prior appts but could squezze in an hour or 2 for that if need be.

Let me know

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Thanks for all your comments so far.

Surely there's got to be one person out there who believes this guy is in the right? (would love a balanced view)

Perhaps I should offer to pay him a higher hourly rate than the pro-rata day rate (£16.25 per hr based on £130 day rate).

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