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Food Costs

Guest Oxo

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Assisted a friend today, he picked me up and took me to a food manufacturing / processing type of thing.

Confirmed the doors were wrecked and showed ho to get the system running and protectg a entry point. ( what you do for a free breakfast!!)

Anyway, several trollys in the carpark.

Labeled Sainsburys, Tesco`s, waitrose, Marks and Sparks.

All awaiting collection.

From curries to potato crocquets. All left standing as in like a car park, left to the elements.

I assisted the same person many years back at another food processing plant.

We got the doors sorted and fully working in good time. The general manager gave me a box containing approx 50 pizza`s.

After seeing the Indian workers spitting everywhere and not washing hands I refused the offer.

My m8ts workers asked fot it, so I gave them the items.

Next day realised the pizza`s were made for Sainsburys, my fave one.

Never shopped there since or as it is now Morrisions.

Trouble is most of our food is made this way.

Now I buy fresh produce and make my own meals, wether it is a lasange or a pastry covered steak pie.

I absolutly refuse to buy prepared items.

If you could see how they are made and the workers you would know my reasoning.

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lol, bad times.

I never give it much thought, then again i wasn't around in the days of shillings and crowns.

Think I was 7 when they changed to deci.

Still remember the 2bob toy stalll in the local market!

Been thru the power cuts, eating by candle light.

Back to the point, your not bothered by the increases in food and fuel?

Its making some families destitute, collapsing business.

Seems some are fairing better than others then.

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Now I buy fresh produce and make my own meals, wether it is a lasange or a pastry covered steak pie.

I absolutly refuse to buy prepared items.

If you could see how they are made and the workers you would know my reasoning.

And what do you think happens when they process this lol

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I believe you missed the point totally.

I meant processed as in reconstituted foods.

Artificially kept to extend shelf life.

Added chemicals.

I prefer to use fresh produce.

I agree meat has to be "processed" to a degree or a shopping trip could take longer trying to kill and skin the fookers.

That would not bother meactually, just a pain disposing of the unneeded items.

Fruit is basically untouched, apart from "image" enhancers, wax being the main.

Fekk I`m starting to sound like a veggie warrior, believe me i`m not.

Just like food as nature/man intended.

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was a programme on a couple of weeks ago, one of the items being how the supermarkets like their fruit to be 'perfect' specific size shape colour, one apple grower was showing a true 'rustic' apple the way they should be and the supermarkets refuse them. Same with proper chicken, it's not white as we have come to expect, it's brown meat in the main from the diet.

Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.

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Totally agree, why I used to love going out to some far out places where we had systems.

Nothing better than buying meat/veg/fruit from the farm it was bred/grown on.

You do pay a little more, but the taste is more than worth it.

As you say the colour isnt what you expect, is a bit of a shock at first.

My absoloute fave is Duck eggs. Sooooooooooooooooo tasty.

Only one place in London that I know of does them now.

Ate my last one this morning.

Sons make ex wife go to the same market stall, they refuse to eat any eggs unless Duck eggs.

Damn, mouths watering now.

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Now I see pete's issue, you allow poster to use handles & end up with "hugh fearnley whittingstall" aka Ox as memeber of your security forum

Same with proper chicken, it's not white as we have come to expect, it's brown meat

a while back, chicken which was only suitable for pet food was found being beached & put back into the human food chain, now is this a coincidence that microwavable "southern" chicken burgers in bun which where great post pub fodder stangely disapered from the shops before the court case ?

Mr th2.jpg Veritas God

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[Now I see pete's issue, you allow poster to use handles & end up with "hugh fearnley whittingstall" aka Ox as memeber of your security forum/quote]


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