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Average Rate For Subbies Lets All Get It Right

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I read your point, just not the whole thread, but its nothing new.

Some subbies live in a dream world, where they think companies make a mint but they don't.

What you make is down to you, if you are willing to work for a rate you are not happy with then you are your own worst enemy.

If you can not get a rate you like then i would change what i was doing. There are subbies who do very well, and there are some [you a guess?] who don't.

That is down to them and no one else.

Its the 'poor me' attitude a can't stand.

Now i'm off to book a subby in and make a fortune off his back......................................................i don't think.

Absolutely right mate. Its not the Companies that use contractors that are to blame, its the contractors who work cheap, cos they dont realise how much its actually costing them to work, till its too late, then they lick their wounds and go back on the cards somewhere.

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Absolutely right mate. Its not the Companies that use contractors that are to blame, its the contractors who work cheap, cos they dont realise how much its actually costing them to work, till its too late, then they lick their wounds and go back on the cards somewhere.

That about sums it up really.We had a large project where one company gave us an istall price of around

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Absolutely right mate. Its not the Companies that use contractors that are to blame, its the contractors who work cheap, cos they dont realise how much its actually costing them to work, till its too late, then they lick their wounds and go back on the cards somewhere.

i do realy well and thats not my point my point is if you read it all is there are to many subbies that are not good enough and keep the price down for all those who are good my rate is dear but i am the best and so are my engineers but the truth is companies take advantage of subbies not all but a lot

my point is it should be regulated just like the companies and get rid of these shabby eng who cant do the work but will do the donkey work and let others commission becuase they aint got the knowledge or understanding and as for bs with these guys they dont know wot that is yet the companies keep using the cheap labour and keep getting problems then they tar us all with the same brush.

it should be regulated and subbies checked to make sure they are keeping up the standards of the industry

not moaning about the poor me but about making it a standard for all subbies to work of and give each company grades of excellence and back them up when chasing money from these large companies who hold on and hold on when all has been accepted and every ones happy no dispute these companies should be fined it would make payment and running the subbie side a lot more easier for us all companies and subbies.

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OMG i find myself actually agreeing with something aaron says. has someone hacked his login?

Someone mentioned elsewhere that there is no "union" for subbies - or regulation really either - perhaps as many of us have said for many years, the NSI should take note - and directly support the "little guys" who often cannot justify NSI or SSAIB costs, just to subcontract their services out.

My only comment on this is that the nsi and ssaib are inspectorates. They inspect and regulate what a company does. There is nothing that the can do about inspecting a company that would be non compliant (ie a subby doing no ooh calls etc for example) however there may be a case for altering it and having muti scope approvals. ie like sp203. But you would find this was abused as one company that had say design approval would say 'yeah im approved' and do the whole scope.

Unless there was a new approval for subbies then maybe that could work but you would need all the paperwork and systems that go with approval, copies of the regs etc.

This would add to your costs. As an nsi gold company we could then (assuming how it would work mind) use either an approved subby and not do any audits on that subby, or use any subby and audit them oursleves. How muchg do you think this approval would add to your rate? WOudl that make you more or less competitive?

Or are you talking about licencing where only approved and licenced can work on a security/fire system? Would you pay for this licence? what about the required training to get it? who would pay for that?

We rarly use subbies due to the work required in auditing and double checking and redoing some of what they do, however if we were heavily into suncontracting then maybe an approval system would work, but there would have to be some significant benefits to me to want to go down that road.

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So you want to make all subbies capable of commisioning a system system??

In our business (fire) you can get third party accreditation to design or install or commission or maintain....... or the whole lot.

But it's not compulsory and it probably never will be.

There is nothing wrong with the odd jobbing electrician who knows how to bend a bit of tube or clip cables straight and charges his time out accordingly, my solo subbies are good at installs, help me keep overheads down and don't want the hassle of commissioning - and not forgetting all the additional insurance requirements etc.

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So you want to make all subbies capable of commisioning a system system??

In our business (fire) you can get third party accreditation to design or install or commission or maintain....... or the whole lot.

But it's not compulsory and it probably never will be.

There is nothing wrong with the odd jobbing electrician who knows how to bend a bit of tube or clip cables straight and charges his time out accordingly, my solo subbies are good at installs, help me keep overheads down and don't want the hassle of commissioning - and not forgetting all the additional insurance requirements etc.

exactly no standards wot happened to bs and the likes of serving my apprenticeship in this game not other fields we csnt go snd do spsrk work even though i am more than capabile

bring in the standards for us all not just the companies and keep these pretenders out of our game they aint qualifed for our game so get the right guys in

thats why subbies have so much trouble

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trebor. i hear you i do but whats is the difference between you and these 'pretenders' and how do you seperate yourself and how would anyone else spot it?

easy have five minute conversation with them on some problems u have sorted throught your time and aks them quetions soon no if he is knowledgeable

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so you dont want regulation then just so long as he cna talk a good install then hes one of the good guys?

not atall wont my regs then you can check their standards by that but until such times do your best and listen to them and if you know yer stuff you can tell good eng or bad ones especialy if he is a aprk with no experiance in our game like the guys you employ.

keep the standards high and aim for the best dont give a spark a plumbing job or a joiner aspark job you get it know

not atall wont my regs then you can check their standards by that but until such times do your best and listen to them and if you know yer stuff you can tell good eng or bad ones especialy if he is a aprk with no experiance in our game like the guys you employ.

keep the standards high and aim for the best dont give a spark a plumbing job or a joiner aspark job you get it know

ican do some painting in the house but still not a painter and decorator :!:

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