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Everything posted by MrHappy

  1. geordie's ? I reckon we should build death camps for 'em....
  2. sadly I'm too busy to spam TSI at the mo' (well with any other a/c but this one )
  3. Yes there's some right children on this forum
  4. Since I started fitting locks for a fiver I leave my door unlocked as I nowt left to steal
  5. perhaps I move in the wrong circles? rather than bumped or snapped, I've only seen the boot marks of the lesser spotted smack rat on plastic doors to gain entry...
  6. IIRC in the 1970's alarms started having a part set option
  7. Ah, I read it this morning & didn't understand
  8. you've spoiled it, we could have kidded Phil along & got him paranoid that hed been banned...
  9. Pete, I reckon they banded you for all those duff jokes
  10. I think some yellow idiot may have tampered with your post... A landrover that's not been attacked by a tesco lorry ?
  11. I reckon the "sea of tranquillity" would be ideal ?
  12. If you choose to support stuff forever & day you'll have lots of old gear on the books, Problem comes latter down the line when you want to train somebody to work on your estate & the gear is older than the employee & you ain't got a spare **** 6, 9540 or whatever to show them
  13. I must have been busy talking to Gaz, we where discussing the socialist cooperative model of alarm engineering...
  14. new old stock ? http://securitytradesupplies.com/products/castle-care-tech-smart-bell-module/
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