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CCTV onto seperate networks

Guest IM_Alarms

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Eh? 4 routers and away you go. No need for VLANs, totally OTT for this application.

(Router\firewall, same difference for this application. If they're set up correctly a decent router with NAT would suffice).

Don't bet on it. :no:

Isn't this an office with multiple tenants? They will probably have their own IT support and standards and wouldn't necessarily trust a CCTV installer to link their networks together securely. B)

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Personally i would fit the cctv system and then tell the clients to get there own IT guys to sort the networking out.

Tell them wot the DVR can do and how it can be accessed, and then let them come up with the idea on how to network it.

Take the reasponsabilty of you especially if you start touching there existing networks.

Remember we are Security engineers, not IT :)


Trade Member

As Mr Kingswood said "Dont forget the 6 P's when installing.....Proper Preperation Prevents P*** Poor Performance!!!"

John Kingswood(alais Nobby), Paul Earl Ltd 1985-2006

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Guest IM_Alarms

Thanks guys, I understand what you mean and I think i'll put the ball in the court of each IT dept. as you said. If I provide the DVR, viewing software, and maybe even a hub if neaded then tell them to come and get it. There is no TV system planned for the building as it is office space which has yet to be tenanted. I'm just a bit worried that it may end up down to me to link or demonstrate that it can be done to a network without a tenant (no IT dept. to help me) as they are flood wiring each office suite and may even be putting the basics of a network there for the tenant to build from. How straight forward are the DVR's to address etc. I have set up a couple of small networks before, also CCTV systems, but have yet to do a dvr onto a network. I have a fair bit of alarm experience (10 years +), access controls (8 years) , electrical (22+ years) but CCTV is probably my area of least experience.

I really appreciate the assistance guys.



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Remember we are Security engineers, not IT :)


Fair point but I do both. :) Obviously if Ian isn't wanting to get a job round his neck that he doesn't want then leaving it in their hands is fair enough.

If they want it demonstrating then you can do that with a laptop just to show the software used etc... If they're setting up a network in the offices then have a word with whoever's doing that side of it, you may be able to work with them to provide a solution, (and you've got someone to blame if it isn't done correctly!).

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Yeah yeah..... Galaxy's rule etc.... I know!


whats a galaxy!!!!i found a great new panel slyronix i think its called forget sms/dialer this one talks to your boss direct..cutting edge technology or just cutting... :o

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