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Diy Alarm System Install Questions

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cheers for all the quick replies. I'll try and answer a few things, in no particular order:


1) I have upgraded my locks to 3 star ABS Avocets (hence why I'm broke) and a few other measures as well.


2) I would be quite happy to add to the system over time, but can't do this at the moment. I can't afford or justify £1000 outlay on an alarm, and I'm the only one who can know this with any degree on authority on this I'm afraid. But I'm not going to get into all that. I know you are coming from a different perspective as you are all in the trade, but surely a £300 alarm is better than no alarm. A Yale would be better than nothing, surely, unless it actively helps intruders?? Is the Texecom not a good unit?


3) Yes it is somewhat of a grudge purchase. I would rather spend my money on something else, but know that I should probably get one. Doesn't mean I can't have a bit of fun with it!


4) I was actually looking at getting kit 1, and putting a wired bell in, But yes, it seems to be very reasonably priced and specced almost for me (apart from the lack of alerting me). A wired bell, some cable, a couple of wired PIRs, and this kit all seems very appealing, However, someone said they would be concerned that this is a pro grade system and the programming might be an issue. I understand this and agree. Is there anything else out there that might be a bit easier? The Pyronix gets decent reviews in this area I think, although I don't think they do one with a separate keypad.


5) I don't have SKY or a gym membership I'm afraid. Does Netflix count?


6) So when you are a running a cabled alarm in a house, do you really avoid all other cables coming anywhere near? Surely you're going to run near at some point when a cable runs the other way to a lighting cable in the loft etc? I'm not bitching, I'm honestly purely wondering!


cheers again. Much appreciated.

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As you can see Benny, James has covered all the points in your post quite comprehensively, please do not hesitate to post again if you need further clarification on any matters that may require the experts advice!.

Edited by Rulland
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cheers for all the quick replies. I'll try and answer a few things, in no particular order:


1) I have upgraded my locks to 3 star ABS Avocets (hence why I'm broke) and a few other measures as well.


2)Is the Texecom not a good unit?


3) Yes it is somewhat of a grudge purchase. I would rather spend my money on something else, but know that I should probably get one. Doesn't mean I can't have a bit of fun with it!


4) I was actually looking at getting kit 1, and putting a wired bell in, But yes, it seems to be very reasonably priced and specced almost for me (apart from the lack of alerting me). A wired bell, some cable, a couple of wired PIRs, and this kit all seems very appealing, However, someone said they would be concerned that this is a pro grade system and the programming might be an issue. I understand this and agree. Is there anything else out there that might be a bit easier? The Pyronix gets decent reviews in this area I think, although I don't think they do one with a separate keypad.


6) So when you are a running a cabled alarm in a house, do you really avoid all other cables coming anywhere near? Surely you're going to run near at some point when a cable runs the other way to a lighting cable in the loft etc? I'm not bitching, I'm honestly purely wondering!


1. Good choice.

2. Yes Texecom are a very good unit. You will be purchasing a EN50131 Grade 2 System, The wireless also meets this standard.

3. You will get over it.

4. Kit 1 is fine.

You can purchase a COM2400 for a SMS Notification or Speech Dialler.

(Note: this statement usually releases a few worms from the can) But as you are on a budget, you can find a Com2400 on ebay for £15, (Just be informed, Its not a monitored connection and has reports of reliability issues.) Although improved if you use the Opentelecom gateway. But you get what you pay for..

I mentioned the Programming Issues. The Texecom is a very powerful and flexible system with hundreds of settings.

I do not know your background, but if you are prepared to RTM and Play about, there is no reason you should not get it working.

6. In your application, do not worry about it. I mean, do not run them in parallel or tape alarm cables to mains cables but crossing over, passing through the same hole etc, will be fine.

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Is there anything else out there that might be a bit easier? The Pyronix gets decent reviews in this area I think, although I don't think they do one with a separate keypad.


Yes, you can add a RKP to the Enforcer, but I can not help you with other Enforcer Questions as I have never used one.

I do believe they are simpler to setup. Check out youtube: Type "pyronix enforcer" Pyronix have some install videos, but it seems that do not have a lot to say about them, appears no one a Pyronix is able to talk!, but the music is nice..

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".....So when you are a running a cabled alarm in a house, do you really avoid all other cables coming anywhere near? Surely you're going to run near at some point when a cable runs the other way to a lighting cable in the loft etc? I'm not bitching, I'm honestly purely wondering!..."

I would reccomend a parallel distance of a minimum of 30 centimetres (1 foot). Do not run cables on joists immediately above a fluorescent light. Cables may pass across mains but not parallel. Avoid spurring off the kitchen ring main for the control panel (possible problems with fridge freezer motors etc)..if you are qualified run a new fuse at the consumer unit. Attempt to keep the receiver as high as possible from the ground.It is not advisable to mount a wireless panel 'under the stairs' or in a 'closet' or 'cupboard' or in a basement. Observe the fact that foil backed plasterboard, brick walls, large wall mirrors, boilers, central heating pipe clusters, mains cable clusters, each attenuate the signal. Avoid placing a pir on a wall immediately behind a television set, keep the detectors at least one metre from similar devices. Avoid connecting into the mains where a floodlight is known..Attempt to position the receiver in a central position with regard to the transmitters..carry out a fabric test, although normal plasterboard would attenuate far less than concrete..Plan the system with several drawings and notes before commencing the installation.

You say you want a message to your mobile..that's fair enough.. How far away from the property will you be when your mobile informs you of an intruder...or do you have decent neighbours who look out for your interests.

Edited by charlie6
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Thanks all!

Perhaps I'll take the plunge with it then. It would be easier to get the wireless bell version but next door was told that a wired one was far superior. Mind u they also run under the carpet and drilled through the stairs save having to lift any boards.

They got a risco by the way.

Do instructions tend to give detailed instructions about cable size etc when installing or does it leave to your own interpretation? Ie does it specify 1mm or 1.5mm t&e or not say anything?

I was gong to put the panel under the stairs!!! That's where next doors is and where the only neat install would be.

I dont suppose that in theory any of u would be happy if a member of the public asked u to check over their own install?

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