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Who Makes The Bell Boxes For Banham?


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Ok but I really want to see 12core smaller than 4 core , and indont know the answer because I have never seen it , unless you mean a bigger size 4core of some kind like the old data cable and screened so it's chunky

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Try buying some tat off ebay, I haven't the time nor the compunction to do research for professionals:-


Alyeti, do yourself a favour and read my original post, there is no indication nor suggestion of uploading. The question has been answered to my satisfaction by well meaning individuals. So, here we go again:-

Sorry about this folks, I need to post this in the several posts where Alyeti has triplicated his question.

You've got absolutely no chance. You either know the answer to the original post or you don't.. come to that, even if I bothered to upload you would still call me a liar and a blagger, as usual, with the photos staring you in the face... and I very rarely if ever, use four core, but there again you would call me a liar on that one as well.

My apologies to everyone, but wherever I see Alyeti's question I'm afraid I shall have no alternative but to re-post again.

For the benefit of the site, I have absolutely no quarrel with Alyeti.

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"...But you have some..."

Now you have turned the tables completely on yourself. Nothing personal though..just that the comment would be 'blasted' within a legal environment. Perhaps if you read your previous posts you might, just might but I doubt it, be able to see absolutely clearly that your 'case', if you ever had one,would be thrown out by the court immediately. And before you ask, "No ! I am not going to explain, neither to you nor anyone else, this is a security forum not law, and I did not want to introduce that aspect, but there was little to no alternative when confronted by just four 'incriminating' words. You might want to consider asking a kid in school studying A level law for some insight as regards 'how to lose a case with four words'..Case for the defendant rests..your honour !!!

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Goncall, I love you to bits but I have had a lot of hassle on this one, My original post was a basic question placed in good faith..and for the most part answered likewise..you may have noticed a few of my posts both yesterday and today regarding this topic, under the circumstances, and for the benefit of the site, it might be better to let this one die a natural death, were I to upload anything at the moment then it throws yet another spanner in the works..Hope.. I know.. you understand. Thanks.

Edited by charlie6
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Goncall, I love you to bits but I have had a lot of hassle on this one, My original post was a basic question placed in good faith..and for the most part answered likewise..you may have noticed a few of my posts both yesterday and today regarding this topic, under the circumstances, and for the benefit of the site, it might be better to let this one die a natural death, were I to upload anything at the moment then it throws yet another spanner in the works..Hope.. I know.. you understand. Thanks.

just take a picture post it up..sorted its not hard,otherwise people just think your talking ****....

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