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School Alert Notification System

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Hello all


I'm hoping that someone can help me with a an inquiry I received recently from a school that I do work for.


They want an emergency alert system that they can activate when an emergency situation arises, for example an unidentified person on site or a bomb alert etc. They are requesting four different sounds to activate or speakers to alert of the situation. Has anyone carried out an install like this? The school has an existing end of class sounder system which activates sounders through out the building however this new system seems to be too sophisticated to add on to it.






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the problem with tones and 4 different ones they will have to be very distinctive staff will forget them kids will think its class change or fire alarm and will bolt the second they go off,better to go the spoken route ie staff announcement code 100,200 etc and up sell the benefits of a pa system

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Theres 64 tones on the nexus and certainly some are similar but theres more than 4 distinct sounds (you can try the sounds on there website sample files) and if you can have it so it plays a voice message in between so it is very clear what its for, how it compares to the pa well that's another issue.


You can even record your own,  don't think you can with the sonos range though.

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Thank you guys for all your input, I have some leads now that I can work on.


The Nexus sounders look like what I need, what control unit can I use with these & also how to activate & reset after each emergency situation? Can I install 4 push buttons or hold up buttons to activate each channel? I'll also research into The Public Address system as that would seem to be a viable option too.




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Thank you guys for all your input, I have some leads now that I can work on.


The Nexus sounders look like what I need, what control unit can I use with these & also how to activate & reset after each emergency situation? Can I install 4 push buttons or hold up buttons to activate each channel? I'll also research into The Public Address system as that would seem to be a viable option too.




depends on the existing system,are they using the fire alarm sounders for class change(quite common method)

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