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Didn't Know The Police Did The Vetting?

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just read the whole thing and I never saw anything remotely related.

I did, on a council website. More specifically, and you ain't gonna like this, support can't be on a premium number.
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Yea I thinks its too true,   I never called a Premium Rate Number as I always used Saynoto0870! 


Its about time that this law come into place but btw it is only where consumers call the business and where B2B transactions do not need to apply to this is what I can see about it.

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I did, on a council website. More specifically, and you ain't gonna like this, support can't be on a premium number.

your correct I don't. Ours are all 0844 and emergency device is 09XX.

We dropped the 0870 once it became a cost rather than a revenue.


"From 13th June 2014, it will be a legal requirement that these numbers are no longer provided for customer helplines. They must be switched to an 01, 02 or 03 number."

Tech support and normal number?

Will have to look at this very carefully, guess we could just add a 0161 for customer complaints and only answer this on The last Friday afternoon of each month.


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We use our 0845 for eveything, as Jeff says I might add our 2nd line we use for UDL for our complaints number.

On that note our remote servicing is done via an 0844 number ported to our UDL 2nd line making us a little revenue, I wonder where we stand with that one?

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We use our 0845 for eveything, as Jeff says I might add our 2nd line we use for UDL for our complaints number.

On that note our remote servicing is done via an 0844 number ported to our UDL 2nd line making us a little revenue, I wonder where we stand with that one?

interesting about the UDL. We have always done this but being gready we changed our supplier last year for a better rate, we have an issue with UDL and especially Remote Service where some calls are being prematurely terminated. We think one possibility is the codecs used by the new supplier are to fast for the UDL data and getting to the bottom of this is a nightmare.

All our lines are now VOIP and I can add or delete to these at will. Our current outgoings for 6 lines including all calls and lines is less than £5 a month ( mobile are on 3 GG lines @£15 PM).

Telecom revenue is a great bonus to us and one way or another the customer is going to pay for our service. Seems quite right to me that those that make the demands should be the ones to pay yet it's the same people that want to moan.


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Telecom revenue is a great bonus to us and one way or another the customer is going to pay for our service. Seems quite right to me that those that make the demands should be the ones to pay yet it's the same people that want to moan.

Problem is Jeff, and its certainly the impression you give, is that people (aka customers) don't sign up for the facility for you to have incoming calls as a hidden profit stream.

Its alright you taking the high ground and saying (potentially) sod'em, that's the way it is, if they don't like it....

Remember, you've implemented systems to give you most income at least cost. Customers don't have that option and hence are held hostage to these schemes.

If your are like many others, you nigh on refuse to ring one of these types of numbers, or worse, refuse to use companies that leave the customer no choice, why should people use your company?

In effect, what is it costing you?

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