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Ifsec 2014

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Yeah, it's been an interesting few days. Met a lot of people from a lot of companies. Texecom are a really good bunch, as are the Webway team. 


So much CCTV **** being touted. No idea how you could tell one camera from another. A million DVRs that are probably totally insecure.


A lot of alarm manufacturers from Eastern Europe. Not sure how serious they are about the UK market, but interesting times.


Still got all my kneecaps as well.

I have a blog, some of which is about alarm security and reverse engineering:




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From an exihibitors point of view.


Ill be honest the first day was a bit quiet and there was some concerns being raised as if it was going to be a flop, however the seond and 3rd days were very busy and, we were pleasantly surprised by the turn out and quality of people coming on stand..... i don’t think i spoke to one person about a bird box solution! Which sadly became the norm for the last few years in brum.


I echo the comments that in the CCTV side of things there is a lot of the same stuff in diffrent boxes, however this has been the case for quite a few years so i wasnt expecting anything else to be honest. And again a lot of the customers that i personally spoke to seemed intrested in the new technologies and of course wanted to know our opinion of where the CCTV world was headding, of which i personally think that its to early to shout hence why most Manufacturers & Distributors are pretty much hedging their bets.


There were the usual invasion from the far eastern copy cats, who wanted to come on stand and take photos of everything and take as many business cards as possible without actually making eye contact with everyone, but that has been the norm for years so i have gotten used to politely telling them to foxtrot Oscar.


I was also impressed with the Excel as a building as lay out, however its a bit of a pig to get to in rush hour, however for the visitors, i heard it wasnt to bad as long as you hung back to 11ish to make it over.


Like all things though we wont know it it was a sucess for a few months, but early indications are positve and i would suggest that we will be there next year. (my 21st IFSEC!)

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