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Problems With Optima Compact

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The original Optimas/Accentas I can still programme without a manual


The G3 range onwards,I still require one though. They moved everything about. Tbh, it very rare we'll fit one, maybe for an old dear with all the cables coming out at switch height in the hall for instance.

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LCD version accentia g4 just as cheap diff panel , don't see why anyone buys the led type now,

Agreed shoot who designed programming, slight difference on some of them with one key changing codes aswell

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I disagree, optima is a cheap panel that beats its rivals pound for pound

Like James said but they do have their place. I had one in my shed for years protecting motorbikes and tools. Damp horrible place and the little fella just did its stuff and never went wrong. Wouldn't have one for the house though (i know it sounds contradictory) I also fitted a stack of  them in some rather nice holiday cottages (although they were hidden in cupboards because they are ugly as sin) years ago and never heard a peep from them.  Basic things but they do work well for what they are designed for.

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I also fitted a stack of  them in some rather nice holiday cottages (although they were hidden in cupboards because they are ugly as sin) years ago and never heard a peep from them.  


Bet the neighbours do every time there's a power cut ;)

So, I've decided to take my work back underground.... to stop it falling into the wrong hands


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