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The main issue with D cells is the cost of the batteries.

Also if you did crack someone with one (in defence obviously) the batteries collapse and it no longer functions as a torch, especially the 6D-cell.

I switched to a LED Lenser a while ago small, light, cheaper batteries that last longer, much better torch.

You could certainly blind someone with it while you escaped.

At the end of the day if you "intend" to use it as a baton then it is an offensive weapon.

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No just always been aware of my surroundings, walk with my head up, not staring at a phone or the floor and make eye contact along with a forceful 'good morning' etc.

Confidence is a winner every time.

Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.

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Not so sure i'd deliberately carry any weapon, as it can easily be used against you.

I can take care of myself but an ahole intent on giving me a real bashing is likely more familiar than me with such objects, and would care less as to the damage if provoked.

In our field, a cat burglar will already be 'Up ' on adrenalin, and possinly drug withdrawal. A Householder will not instantly beleive their is a stranger in the house so will be slow in reaction, could mean a tragedy if they try.

I have one of those 5 watt single LED metal torches, brilliant white light, with new batteries at close range actually caused me an instant headache when i accidentally looked into it. And i have reactive lens's, so I think that could redress the balance of surprise to some degree.

While held in a fist it is far more difficult to grab off me, yet would aid me in delivering a heavier or better punch.

End of the day, if your assailant has a 1 foot knife - imho your 2 foot torche will be of little use unless your trained in using it as a self defense weapon.

If you want to hurt or slow your assailant a kick in the balls, or run your shoe down their shins is very effective if your held from behind.

If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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