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Physical Security Advice Needed

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tbh Norman, and anyone else - if you don't believe reliable systems can be installed every time as the base intention, then why are you ever in this trade?

if after 47 years if i could not instal totally reliable systems without fuss - i'd go out and get a real job!

if you can't keep up with this old man guys, you will always be playing 'catch up' with me ;).

got any pics arf....

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There is no kit, including ats and UTC that would make me have the confidence you have.

selecting good kit is only part of it, i bet if you monitored those help desks of any manufacturer, most issues are because installers either do not read or do not fully understand the manuals.

If you could remove from the mix personal preferences and/or unfounded or misinformed bias, those calls i bet would drop like a stone.

Take iD as example, i have installed many systems over the years, never once installed a cap on the lines to stop glitches, add to that i have never installed a mains filter to any alarm panel - ever!

now that can't just be down to exceptionally good luck, so what am i doing so different to others who seemingly competent have so many many issue's?

When i make any connection i check it in several ways, simply because when on service badly made joints were in my own observations the biggest cause of faults. i'd find find many false alarms caused by intermittent power joints where several detectors were connected inti a terminal block, one or more wires while would not pull out, when looked at closely were not actually held tight just wrapped around others.

small thing maybe, but they will all add up to a false alarm at some stage, tricky to spot for less experienced engineers, so they blame the kit, or fit some sort if slugging device cap so overcoming the symptoms but not actually finding the cause. Move on say a year tbe cause has got worse so the slug is ineffective, service engineer see's it now deduces it us the the main pcb because "it has ti be due to the slug", changes out pcb, remaking the faulty connection in the process, but thinking the subsequent reliability confirms the panel was faulty.

the above us only a small part of the care i take in building out what i call 'avoidable faults', so now apply that ethos to iD, one thing it really hates, being BUS connected, is intermittent connections. a very slight intermittent can cause temporary or spurious data corruption which can show up as line tampers. if you watched the Ultimate Keypad iD diagnostic display it would show up occasional flashing 'X's, a certain sign of a bad connection, such disruption can cause an iD chip to report the wrong number, the panel 'see's then might detect two chips on the same iD, fitting the cap only smoothed the intermittent.

When i have helped others i impress on them iD tech aways needs absolutely clinically sound connections, without taking that care your simply digging a hole by using iD.

got any pics arf....

i don't have the vanity - or a camera strong enough.

Arf, you do spout kack, as above you have nothing except a phone that never rings to back up your claims of no fa's.

and you have no reason to question my honesty.

if i was ladden down with faults i'd need a massive staff just to attend to them, as it is i cope effiortlessly

If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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Judging by your last post, you are deluded buddy, you think only ARFs eye can spot potential problems? This doesent make you good.. Average at best.

Fyi ID is dead :)

Now your for it.

Having the audacity to disagree. Oh dear oh dear.

The keyboard warrior will be onto you.


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