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Windows 8 Upgrade


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  • 2 months later...

Right then Mr H. - or anyone else who's taken the plunge.


What's the verdict on this win 8 malarkey?

Good, bad, indifferent?


Had a quick play with it on the demo machines in pcworld and based on that, i'd be getting rid of that ridiculous front end.


#worth having?

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@6wb - Normal desktop is also there still and easily accessed on W8.


The transition process from WinXP/Vista/Win 7 to Windows 8 is actually the smoothest I have seen to date.


Of course some drivers are not available yet, as is the case in any OS overhaul.


Out of interest, anyone with an older machine can upgrade to Windows 8 for £25 until ~ mid Jan also with the ongoing promo they are running.



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I use the good old fashioned


win key + d

win key + e


can't say I see the tile top much


I also wonder how f'kin awful a touch screen will be to use for proper work when its covered in finger marks ?

Mr th2.jpg Veritas God

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Probably gonna go for the Sony S series and the new ones now come with Win8 as standard. Happy to stick with that as it is apparently a tad more efficient than win 7.


As for touch screen computers, i don't think so. Trying to market a solution to a problem that doesn't exist.


When i make the move that daft tile thing will be gone and desktop will be the norm with a proper start button thingy.


Does the rest of it work ok though??

I understand Metro UI can be "minimized" but unfortunatly you can't seem to just have a normal desktop experience anymore.

They have even decided to remove the registry key option to remove the Metro UI.

TBH i haven't played with W8 a lot. I also don't plan to if I can help it.

Classic shell sorts all that nonsense out apparently.

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