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Damn this is Public.




Two bulls stood on a hill. They looked down on a valley where a dozen cows grazed.

The young bull said, "Hey Pop, let's run down there and mate with one of those heifers."

"No, Son," said the old bull. "Let's WALK down there and mate with ALL those heifers."

And Cougar, Remember TOP GUN?

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?Getting rather argumentative than usual here.


Funny that with 3 newish people :D

It would seem that there are/was two people arguing or at least joking around with it is and it isn't. .....................one of them has 4k posts...................

30 years of experience, ssaib approved family business.

We have a very long list of clients that we are very proud chose to use us. We have never bought out any other company or forced anyone to use us. All of our customers are free to leave us whenever they wish, yet very few ever have. This is down to the fact that we always put our best into every job.


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