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Galaxy G2 Or Texecom Premiere 24 Of Veritas Excel


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We'd fit a G2, but imo a Prem would be better.

If you need something out of the ordinary the G2 cant do it output wise (just thinking of this 'external sensor') Bigger Gals can do it no bother, but a G2 is very fixed in what it can do. I'd say a 24 is more flexible with its outputs imo.

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Thanks for the confusion guys :)

So now it's either the prem 24, the galaxy g2, still the veritas or the castle euro mini that doesn't appear all over the web like the others.

I'm installing the panel in a cupboard so rkp is required.

I was attracted to the galaxy until I saw the costs of the additional accessories, pc connection is going to cost 4 times the price of the prem connector. In fact the cost is significant between telecom and Honeywell.... but the question is does it reflect in the quality, reliability etc.

It's not really a shed as such, yes it's one room but it is made of brick, insulated throughout, balanced flue gas fire, has a usable loft, carpeted, upvc door and windows, some expensive equipment and more later. All I need now is a comfy armchair next to the fire and a collie dog.

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I'd guess you will always get confusing answers here when more than one pro takes an interest. you can be sure however that all the recomended products are of good quality and well supported by the manufacturers, and will all be suitable for you. Have fun with your choice ;D

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if you have many systems to connect to then the one off cost of software / setup etc doesnt matter, but if its just the one your doing then it is a consideration. Texecom software is pretty good actually, im not a texecom man but those that use it seem to rate it. But be sure the 24 is flexible enough for you.

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if you have many systems to connect to then the one off cost of software / setup etc doesnt matter, but if its just the one your doing then it is a consideration. Texecom software is pretty good actually, im not a texecom man but those that use it seem to rate it. But be sure the 24 is flexible enough for you.

I agree on both counts.

But considering its not something I'll need to replace every year (hopefully) then I might as well get something I can expand on later if required.

So I think I've decided on the prem 48, as the 24 doesn't support x10 apparently.

I've seen a good deal anyway; prem 48 metal case, rkp with prox, and 2400 modem for pc up/down and SMS all for £130.

Some may think overkill for one room building but I may need to expand it in the future to cover more areas so it makes sense to me.

Thanks for all comments and suggestions.

One last query about prox tags; is each tag unique to the system, that is, if I lost a tag, could I just bar/delete that tag from the system and use the spare, or are all tags simply clones and appear as such to the system?

I'm wondering what happens If I lose one, do I have to reprogram all the spare tags with a new code or just block the lost tag?

Thanks Girls

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One last query about prox tags; is each tag unique to the system, that is, if I lost a tag, could I just bar/delete that tag from the system and use the spare, or are all tags simply clones and appear as such to the system?

They are all unique. Uses the same tech as the chip in the key car imobilisers. You just block the missing one and replace it etc.

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Its a shed....

why even bother with prox?

SMS is hit & miss

X10? you'll need the controller & it only does 8 devices

It is a shed... but it's my shed.

I don't need prox, but then who does ?

Besides the price included a prox rkp and the difference in price between that and the non-prox is about £6

Why is SMS hit and miss? It shouldn't be this day n age. It's usually only the lack of mobile signal that causes delay or delay with the network operator, but that generally isn't an issue for me. So what's the alternatives???

X10 controller can control devices such as lights, heaters, doors, well anything really. In all honestly though relay outputs would be suffice for me.

I might also install some detectors in the lower back room of my house because it's just across the yard and it's a bit of a hidden area. Wires are already underground anyway, but for this I need a panel that does multi areas which the 24 doesn't. Yes in an ideal world the house would be alarmed separately and throughout, but it's never bothered me strangely.

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