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yes we need to improve our knowledge of where everyone is. Jobs are allocated and its up to the engineer to order them. This has to change


I was wondering what you have done on this. I have been meaning to speak to you about it for the last few days but kept missing each other

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Is there a BS for advising them how to tie their shoe laces as well? What about the risk of strangulation from wearing t shirts? I'd better put up a notice about that.

OK, I know we need to protect our employees .... but honestly, where does it stop?




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The respnsibilty for the employee of the employer isn't a new idea and too many employers (national and independant) try to get workers to do things without the right equipment or safety procedures but it's the "no win/no fee" culture that has led to employers having to cover even the bleedin' obvious common sense things.

Yeah, I know, you're right ..... I just despair at having a BS and a risk assessment for every bloody thing in the world.

I take safety seriously and provide all equipment that's available. My enginners are instructed never to do anything unless they consider it safe and something they've been trained or shown how to do ..... but i'm not going to get drawn into the "no win/no fee" culture.

...... just a year to retirement now, and then they can fall off as many ladders as they want. Yippee!




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Is there a BS for advising them how to tie their shoe laces as well? What about the risk of strangulation from wearing t shirts? I'd better put up a notice about that.

OK, I know we need to protect our employees .... but honestly, where does it stop?

Ground level?


Responsible firms teach their guys proper safety prcedures, unfortunately there are those firms who don't. Add frivolous claims for tripping or as the 'fire alarm engineer who was given the wring ladder' real easy to see why this legislation has come about.

I do think certification as to competence with using common access equipment like steps ladders etc. should be mandatory fir anyone using it. That might help remove the liability on the employer for their staff acting knowingly stupidly or from ignorance.


If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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yes i adgree norm, but as with a lot of things, there is a lot of sense in this.

the biggie is having a workable system for the out of hours on call guy. what if he gets clobbered on a call out etc. that is why we are looking at check calls etc

securitywarehouse Security Supplies from Security Warehouse

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ooh get to report to arc say every hour whilst out on a call, but it will cost. or write an app where they have to acknowledge something on the MDD to cancel say a text message or pre-progged call?

Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.

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