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So What Is Your Solution?


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I came on this forum looking for advice.

What I get instead is abuse. I have spelled out my aims and my mission but wearily I get the same old same old.

I went to a new housing estate Yesterday looking to offer security upgrades to vunerable homes.

This is a new estate part built with homes that have been finished being lived in and part finished homes fenced off.

I spoke to the security company who have signs up on the metal fences and they informed me they are taking the builder to court as they haven't paid the security bill. He told me the builder is going into administration and the part finished homes won't be finished anytime soon.

There are homes on mixed streets of part built and fenced off unfinished homes.

The roads are not finished and there is no street lighting in place.

I went to one home at the end of an unlit culdesac.

The front door already had signs of an attempted break in. The door handle cover had been lifted to reveal the eurocylinder.

There was a garden spade lying on the unmade road outside.

If I was to put money on any house being burgled sometime soon this would be the house I would suggest.

Now the area around the new housing is sink estate as with many of the latterly bought land plots at the height of the mad housing boom.

I would probably guess that the owners budget for security would stretch no more than

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There is no need to be paranoid.

With your undoubted marketing skills, and unerring enthusiasm to protect the less well off I'm sure you will succeed in this industry.

The issues you have raised in this thread are worthy and need addressing. However I dont believe providing the less well off with a substandard stystem giving a false sense of security is the way to go. (anymore than I think providing a wooden leg & calling it prosthetic).

We provide a solution - we rent systems. They get a pro system with option to buy or rent, or rent & buy later. These are bona fida - same as we always fit systems. We are no more a charity than you, and we prefer to be professional to people from all walks of life.

You would be able to do something similar if you provided hard wired systems, the eqpt cost make it possible. But then you would need the skills to fit correctly not something that you learn from the instruction sheet that comes with the panel. Thats proberbly why so many ex-police dont bother getting into our industry (few do granted).

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Whinging and whining will get you nowhere.

You say that we've given you flack ....... Not so. You've given us flack, and you're continuing to do so.

Ask for advise and you'll get it. Try telling us that we're wrong and you're right and you'll get the expected reply.

.... and just to show you how wrong you are about me matey ....... 10 years ago I started installing alarms at




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Whinging and whining will get you nowhere.

You say that we've given you flack ....... Not so. You've given us flack, and you're continuing to do so.

Ask for advise and you'll get it. Try telling us that we're wrong and you're right and you'll get the expected reply.

.... and just to show you how wrong you are about me matey ....... 10 years ago I started installing alarms at

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you have good intensions but its why us that install to the correct regs with quality systems and insurances ect find it tough going with the domestic market because you want to lower your prices to what customers want you to charge.

its //.B.W.F.// about face.

diy systems are there to be fitted by diyers.

I really can't be ar**** with it anymore.

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I fear that wired systems despite their lower cost are not the way to go into the future.

Modern homes have concrete or laminate floors and come already decorated. The upstairs are chipboard floors not floorboards so wireless are the only way to fit. Fortunately modern homes also have stud walling so wireless signals pass effortlessly.

We fit in modern houses too!

Its the skills of the engineer to overcome problems of hiding wires regardless of laminate/concrete & chipboard flooring been around for a couple of decades.

Wireless signals do not always pass effortlessly either. Many homes have foil backed plasterboard, steel stud partioning & water pipes running in "awkward" places. Even older houses have unusual problems like chicken wire covering thatched roof!

Radio signals bounce off modern surfaces too, causing interference. So its not plain sailing which everway you go.

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I never mentioned you alarmGuard.

You aimed your comments at all of us ... and so I replied.

If you criticise me or other alarm companies on here you'll get flack.




PM me for access to the SSAIB members discussion area.

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Aim low = get low, if I wanted to be in the business of helping the deprived I would have gone into social work.

Don't get me wrong, I give regularly by standing order to several charities at home and abroad but that isn't the work I do.

I provide my customers with quality systems at a realistic price and with monitoring and/or maintenance repeat business. They expect me to be there for them, to upgrade their systems, to advise them, and to solve their problems by an engineer visit or by UDL and I can only do that if I have a healthy, profitable business.

By contrast you are recommending dummy bellboxes as a means of protection and fitting basic DIY equipment.

I come across the results of this every week, alarm fitted by an installer now gone out of business and customer has no one to go to for help with a problem.

You are free to do whatever you want but come back and tell me I've got it all wrong in 25 years time when you're still doing it and showing a healthy bank balance with a good customer base, no system failures, and you've just returned from your holiday in Barbados.

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