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Posts posted by timmo66

  1. Correct, if the engineer creates a follow up action this will be done automatically. My service girl tends to keep a check on the engineer dockets as they come back from the tablet just in case there is further action without the auto callback created.

  2. Now with regards to temporary disconnection, how are you implementing this? At the mo ours is again paper based, and on the return of engineers dockets inputted into it. This is then reviewed to make sure nothing is left outstanding......

    Depends what is being disconnected?

  3. You end up sending an as fitted anyway, same amount of trees as leaving an amended one there? :)

    Yes changes are put on our handovers too. One thing I think we could improve on is putting our handovers on carbon paper and the customer having a copy there and then.

    9651, really like the idea of that. Although our installs tend to be one man anyway - except for help pulling cables in if required.

    Do you guys have a signalling check list? To ensure the correct channels are connected and tested, or is that in your handover checklists? One thing I have been looking at recently.

  4. Copy of the spec is also left on site with any amendants. Eng amends another copy of the spec which comes back to the office to be raised as an as fitted. Well that's how we do it anyway.

    I like your install sequence plan. Is that different to a handover checklist?

    We use a history analysis sheet for our benefit (not nsi) which states eng on/off times and equipment used for each install. On the same sheet is a section to explain any delays or problems etc. this helps me ensure extra charges are not missed and monitor that jobs are being costed right etc.

  5. We had two guys from webway come and see us. We are yet to receive some demo units they promised but to be honest we are 100% dualcom until something catastrophic happens.

    Yes you connect to thier network and then use the normal udl software for the panel.

    Check with CSL on how the UDL workswith your panel tho. -doesn't work with galaxy G2 yet IIRC.

    Thanks mate. We are gal GD and menvier. Would be great if they supported Aritech cd range.

  6. Please forgive me if this is a stupid question, I know nothing about UDL to be honest. It is something I have been looking into.

    If using the dualcom for UDL, does that mean you use their platform to do the dialling etc, rather than needing a modem at the office on its own phone line?

  7. Not good.

    Our troublesome unit is constantly crashing. "Abnormal shutdown" in the log.

    Majority of the time is linked to a remote playback log in from the customers ipad2 at pretty much exactly the same time. ADI have reported to hik, see where we get.

  8. We had the LED issue. Nothing since updating camera firmware. I was informed it was caused by an apple device remotely accessing the machine for the first time, causing the glitch.

    When you say die.. Do you mean for good, or crashes and in need of a reboot?

  9. Most I know would gladly swap it out.

    Its just getting passwords out of BT than can be a pain , apparently

    Yes potentially an issue.

    Have you swapped bt routers before?

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