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Posts posted by PeterJames

  1. id add i reakon playing a customers camcorder is a bit wrong too. But there may be truth in either story i suppose

    It does go on mate when I was engineering manager at another co I often had to go to site to check on engineers ect, and engineers have often shown me stuff they found whilst the homeowner was out. I was always worried that the customer would come back and catch us watching the customers home videos, or looking at their porn stash. When I used to install I found a stash of nude men mags and a rabbit under a young girls bed, to look at her she was definately not the sort you would expect you know butter wouldnt melt. Never found drugs or cash though

  2. As this is back.


    The most shocking thing was once when I did the new alarm on the bosses house and found the "Accounts" and the "other set" !

    Not going to revel which company, all gone now and new owners.


    But it was a nice surprise, even better when I told him and got a pay rise :D

    Just so you know if I leave the accounts lying around in your presense its for a reason,probably becuase I want you to have a good hard think about taking a drop in pay

  3. i've still not had mine approved yet, what's the average waiting time?

    i understand i don't post in this forum too regularly so the mods won't be in a rush to approve me, but a rough idea would be good.

    Thanks :)

    (also, how do i change my avitar?)

    have you supplied proof of trade?

  4. Years ago back when I was an engineer we used to keyhold we used to look over wiston house in cissbury http://www.wistonhouse.co.uk/the-house/history/


    I have no idea if it is haunted or not but it is a very old building with lots of secret passages and what nots, and I have heard rumours of all sorts going on its quite close to cissbury ring where the devil worshippers hang out.


    Anyway I got called out there one wet and stormy night, you know the ones claps of thunder and lighting ect. Anyway I arrive on site one minute to midnight as I am driving up I could see a light on on the top floor, so I am thinking someones on site already. So i get out of the van switch the alarm off and check out the log, alarm was set at 17.00 then nothing till 23.00 when the alarm activates on the top floor landing, and nowhere else, off I go expecting to find someone in the building still working (only the landing on the top floor had detection) get up stairs check all the rooms and I found no one. So I inspect the detector for signs of spiders and the usual environmental checks nothing, cant see any reason for activation. I would normally change the detector at this point but the house was creeping me out a little lots of creaking noises along with thunder and lighting so i decided to isolate the detector (It was trap detection you couldnt break in on the top floor even with a helicopter) switched the lights off, went downstairs, reset the alarm, isolated the zone, set the alarm, got in my van wrote the job sheet went to the house and posted the top copy of the jobsheet through the letterbox walked back to my van and something made me look up, and the top floor light was on again. Now I know I had switched it off and it was not on when I originally returned to the van, I know there was no one in the building I checked every room on the top floor and they could not of come downstairs without triggering another detector or passing me on the stairs there are no secret passages on the top floor. I thought about going back to switch it off for about a second whilst I was running to the van. When we went back to change the detector I spoke to the caretaker and he said that sort of thing is always happening I dont believe in this sort of stuff but at the time this did creep me.  

  5. I don't think theres anyone at the top of any business who hasn't done 12 hour days for years. People tend to forget the bosses doing 4 hours a week have usually earned it from years of doing 3 didgit working hour weeks.

    Spot on I spent 8 years earning less than half I was earning when I left my job to do it and I was paying my engineers twice what i was earning. I still do 9 or 10 hours a day but the moneys much better this year

  6. I remember those Dave, Ive seen much older detection including flushed in ultra sonics in a Brighton seafront house owned by Hancock's (Half Hour) Brother

    But I remember queing up in local Police stations to put alarm systems on test, and a reset was putting a needle on the begining of a record, or reseting an eight track

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