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Everything posted by PeterJames

  1. There is stuff available that will do what you need but there is no "Off the shelf" answer. You can use a Lovato timer but you would still need to use some logic circuits before it becomes any use. Our Dvr can be programmed to do what you want, but it would require us to write a bespoke program for it. It sounds like a nice project if money is no object I wouldn't be looking at Risco products thats for sure
  2. When you say the current set up did you mean their old set up?
  3. Just solder them as they are pop then some heat shrink over the top, so long as you are careful not to short them you will be fine
  4. The factory user 0123 if that dont work and you cant contact the previous owner then phone the installer get them round to default and reprogram it for you, it probably needs a service anyway
  5. I'm sure there's a missing V
  6. There is nothing in the standard that says you must or must not have flashing leds. Most modern hardwired BB do have flashing Leds, most wireless dont. There are hard wired box's available without Leds. It depends on what type of intruder you are likely to get as to whether he will even notice if you have an alarm, a professional burglar will have done his homework, and a drugged up opportunist wont notice the bell at all until its ringing.
  7. It would be sensible if everyone was on static, I reckon hackers and such could be traced much easier
  8. The Arc has a list of the ips as well just in case, the DNS is used for convenience, I could set up my own DNS here using my server but for a tenner a year it was less hassle. As I said my ip is static. I can offer Dyn DNS as a service to customers on Sky as I got several in the package. Your right it is a third party though and it is inconvenient that no-ip is down I will need to set up another DNS now as a backup
  9. I have a static IP but its easier to remember a DNS like peterjames.noip.com I dont have to write the number down anywhere. Also we have a guarding co that monitors our CCTV (I use Dyn DNS for them) they can see which site they are logging into because the dns is the name of the customer rather than a number
  10. I got an email this morning from No-IP . Luckily I am only using it for my own home CCTV and nothing else They do also have a free service the same as Dyn DNS used to We want to update all our loyal customers about the service outages that many of you are experiencing today. This is NOT A TECHINCAL ISSUE WITH NO-IP. This morning, Microsoft served a federal court order and seized 22 of our most commonly used domains because they claimed that some of the subdomains have been abused by creators of malware. We were very surprised by this. We have a long history of proactively working with other companies when cases of alleged malicious activity have been reported to us. Unfortunately, Microsoft never contacted us or asked us to block any subdomains, even though we have an open line of communication with Microsoft corporate executives.
  11. If it is its not really gonna help sell any of the poo is it
  12. Hi Tico Welcome to the forum Never heard of them quick google tells me that they are DIY and the .com tells me not UK so unlikely to be compliant to BS EN standards. To be fair if your interested in something llike that then you would be better off buying a Yale from B&Q at least you will have somewhere to take it back to when it goes wrong
  13. Yeah but commuting that sort of distance without sleep you wouldnt last a week
  14. It has a canal part to it but there is another canal museum the other side of it
  15. If you get a chance visit the Black country open air museum well worth a visit
  16. Its not that bad a place I quite like Dudley and that place where James's Mum lives and I bet Royston Vasey where James lives is not bad
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