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Everything posted by PeterJames

  1. Hi Juancazm Welcome to the forums Please take a minute to take a look at the forum rules. We are unable to provide non user information to anyone other than trade members. If you work in the security installer trade you are welcome to apply for a trade account and assuming that you pass the vetting you will be able to obtain the information you require
  2. Welcome to the forum nivag Kind regards retep
  3. It would if they want the CCTV to be admissible though. Domestic can do what they like so long as they are not breaking any privacy laws. But if you want the CCTV to used as evidence it has to comply
  4. That said the question is about data protection and CCTV Hi Sophie The ico does not like audio recordings with CCTV system besides anything else it also breaks a few privacy laws, and unless your system is fully compliant with the DPA the CCTV would not be admissible in court anyway It sounds like you are having environmental problems you can get more information on what to do here https://www.gov.uk/local-environmental-quality I would swerve the swan kit like my life depended on it.
  5. 600TVL is the max that any standard DVR can process anything over is a bit of a con
  6. Are the ebay cameras HDSDI or ADH? I dont think there is such a thing as a 1200TVL analogue camera and even if there was your DVR would not be able to process 1200TVL
  7. Yes welcome there is a trade area if you would like to apply, we have balloons and ice cream in there
  8. Any changes to the original spec are written on the handover cert (and signed for by the customer) the spec is then brought back to the office revised and an updated spec is sent to the customer. Our specs are 10 pages minimum so leaving a copy with the customer is just a waste of trees
  9. We leave a copy of the completion cert with the customer and if its a takeover that has not been surveyed the engineer does a RA
  10. Hi and welcome to the forum. Please read the rules before posting we do not tolerate free advertisement here, even if it is written like you have been smoking some sort of hallucinogenic
  11. Your welcome, though it was nothing really
  12. You could send your CV out to all the companies in the desired areas, many would be happy to take on a maturish trainee. I have employed ex forces before and have always found ex forces very good employees to have on-board.
  13. I think so, you sound like you would be fairly confident wiring up a spur. What part of the country would you be looking to settle?
  14. Hi Durry Welcome to the forum. What was you thinking of doing? If you just want to work in the security industry and you are competent with electrics then just do the security stuff. If you are thinking about everything electrical then you need to do the lot.
  15. Do you know the engineer code? To be sure its the detector and not CO I would put a cover over the detector. If the alarm stops going off then the CO detector is detecting something
  16. Did you mean the CO2 detector? If so you better get your boiler checked
  17. Hi Phil Welcome to the forum Your only chance is a second hand one on ebay ADI sold out to Honeywell a few years ago now, and the XM stopped production a few years before that. The accenta keypad may be compatible but dont quote me http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/LED-Keypad-for-Optima-and-Accenta-Alarm-Panels-/380167170427?pt=UK_Burglar_Alarms&hash=item5883baa97b
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