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Nexus 8 And Adt Bell Box

Guest Henry Wright

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Looking at the instruction sheet in the pic it's clear that the box is a graded one that wasn't availible last year :P so it can't have been in a empty lockup for that period :hmm:
So the message here is:- if it sounds to good to be true its probably disonest. Only buy off regulated companies that will have made extensive searches into their employees past and will dismiss (like the //.National Installer.// lad) anyone found to be of a dishonest nature.



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Then the next problem arises.

When //.National Installer.// sacked the engineer for selling off their stock, did they involve the Police so that he would have it recorded against him as a crime and thereby prevent him being employed by any approved alarm Co...? I'll gamble that they didn't for fear of bad publicity.

If any other Co. asks them for a reference will they mention the reason for his dismissal?..... I'll gamble that they won't for fear of being sued.

So the bent engineer will find employment with another unsuspecting alarm Co.


There you go again jumping to conclusions with haste..

The guy in question was a salesman (ex service eng) and yes as far as i am aware both the union and the police were both involved. he promptly applied to chubb for a sales post and was given the knock back. the reasons behind why I am not privy too, but he's currently not working within the security industry.

Good riddance as well (he scabbed during the tracker strike). :yes:



Service Engineer and all round nice bloke :-)

The views above are mine and NOT those of my employer.

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This topic is going astray, feel free to discuss the off-topic issues in the trade section if you want.

Also it seems that the yellow hex, is getting above it's fair share of mentions again.? Are you hex guys ok with this.? Remember this is a public section.

Topic now Closed, and feel free to edit references to A#T if required.


Dave Partridge (Romec Service Engineer)

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