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Council with a sense of humour


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I must admit there are some shady goings on but knowing they happen and proving they happen are two different worlds.

Hmm, me thinks your right. A firm I used to work for sent me & another Eng out for 2 days one Christmas time, delivering vintage ports, fine wines & brown envelopes etc to the home addresses of Council / Housing Association big wig's. The store was jammed full of it. Many of them also had Alarm Systems too from the same firm.

Makes you wonder eh?

Chris Teague (Sales & Operations Manager) Sightguard Intruder Division

Covering the Isle of Wight: - Design, Installation, Maintenance & Takeover of Intruder Alarms, Fire Alarms & Equipment, CCTV, Access Control, Nursecall. Keyholding Service, Guarding & Cash in Transit. SSAIB & NICEIC Registered Tel 01983 884000 / 884440

Any comments / opinions posted could be the voices in my head speaking, but they are my opinion only and do not represent those of my employer or Company

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Whoa steady on trigger!

I am not suggesting they have theyre finger in the pie and are eating from it!

More like Chris suggests actually, they get rather nice favours from the companies on the council lists such as "the use of my apartment in Spain foc"

"free bottles of plonk etc"


Blimey, I'd not thought of that one. They do have a villa in Spain. Spooky Ian :yes:

Chris Teague (Sales & Operations Manager) Sightguard Intruder Division

Covering the Isle of Wight: - Design, Installation, Maintenance & Takeover of Intruder Alarms, Fire Alarms & Equipment, CCTV, Access Control, Nursecall. Keyholding Service, Guarding & Cash in Transit. SSAIB & NICEIC Registered Tel 01983 884000 / 884440

Any comments / opinions posted could be the voices in my head speaking, but they are my opinion only and do not represent those of my employer or Company

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More like Chris suggests actually, they get rather nice favours from the companies on the council lists such as "the use of my apartment in Spain foc"

"free bottles of plonk etc"


I wasn


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Where council workers are concerned i think that could fall into the bribery bracket, they aint allowed to take gifts you will find.


Suppose that's why we went to their homes & not to their Offices, not shouting out "Hi Chief Executive, it's Santa Clause Alarms with your goodies & please give us lots more big contracts" :roflmao:

I'm not saying that it's wrong either ;)

Chris Teague (Sales & Operations Manager) Sightguard Intruder Division

Covering the Isle of Wight: - Design, Installation, Maintenance & Takeover of Intruder Alarms, Fire Alarms & Equipment, CCTV, Access Control, Nursecall. Keyholding Service, Guarding & Cash in Transit. SSAIB & NICEIC Registered Tel 01983 884000 / 884440

Any comments / opinions posted could be the voices in my head speaking, but they are my opinion only and do not represent those of my employer or Company

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Councils have to abide by rules, one of which is they have to accept the cheapest quote, provided the company is on the approved list.

I must admit there are some shady goings on but knowing they happen and proving they happen are two different worlds.


Agreed every time we apply to get on this so call list it is always full no room for any other contractors. Oh except possibly the one man band that just started up and knows some one!

Trade Member

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Paul even one man bands who know someone arent that lucky, such as myself.However That practice does go on. I was fortunate enough to be recommended to a local council as a national Fire Company had in their opinion overpriced a shltered accomodation site, telling them the Analogue addressable fire panel was up the creek and the whole system had to be changed as the detectors were not compatible. They smelt a rat, a colleague recommended me and I was asked to give an overview. Now I've worked for enough companies to know the practices for making money. I'm not in that vein, imagine them coming to your house and telling you you need to remorgtage your house to pay for a system I'm sure you would be telling them to close the door on their way out. As a professional I do not decry other companies or their methods, I only put my own views and experience forward, in this case I could replace the panel and use the existing detectors for 75% less cost than the national. I did it and got the system up and working, was recomended by the technical engineer to be put on the list and he wanted the national kicked off because it turned out that after further investigation they werent even doing the planned maintenance visits. His hands were tied because the national was in a 2 plus 1 contract and they couldnt be moved. Now if that happened to any of us here they wouldnt hesitate to kick us out. As a one man band myself it is increasingly difficult to persuade organisations to use us, they seem to think we cannot support them. Little do they know. How are we supposed to expand and grow.

And where did all that come from....methinks I'm a bit up tight :realmad::no:



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