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SAB bell box

Guest Guest_paul_*

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I like your relay idea, but it does not solve the problem if there is a powercut.
The other options have been covered, well a few have. And no my solution doesn`t solve the problem, but if the guys suffered a power loss for a few days and his panel batteries given up and his bells kick in at 3am, then i`d rather the guy threw the switch to silence his annoyance than disable his SAB altogether.


Dave Partridge (Romec Service Engineer)

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So Lurch,

Are you possibly suggesting that we rig up a few relays to keep the SAB powered during normal opperation, but if there is a powere-cut, the the SAB power will be cut off via these relays??


No, the siren is de-activated when power from the panel fails. If you fit the relays in the right place, i.e. some in the panel and SAB, some NO some NC, then everything works as it should in every occasion *unless* the panel battery goes flat.

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Guest Mr Nice Guy

Fair comment.

And do you know what.....I'm gettin a little fed up now....as are you probably. So lets give up on the old SAB problem for now.

I like your site Dave, I'm a first time visitor, been installing etc for 11 years+. If you don'y mind, i'd like to join!

Talk to you soon I hope?

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Smarty some times you can give advice that doesnt comply for the good of the cause.

The original guy was trying to get a solution to his sounder problem.

My 1st choice would be get it serviced and repaired properly by someone who knows what he or she is doing. And then get the system maintained regularly to prevent different and further problems.

If the guy will not do this the second solution would be to diss the sab and warn him if someone nicks his bell box or the cable fails his system is at risk by doing this.

The sounder stops annoying his neighboors whichever solution he takes, and it stops others from being put off from having a proffesional alarm system installed.

A system without SAB or tampers will most likely comply to the new EN standard as grade 1.


P.S. Mr Nice Guy

Welcome to the forum


So you think what Mr nice guy is advising is the best practice Peter do you. Absolute rubbish. This obviously a power problem. And as this is in the public forum I would not even suggest disconnecting the SAB. So now we will have javers taking out power supply

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  • 2 weeks later...

Self Actuating requires a neg to trigger it, it uses other power to supply the noise.

Self Contained requires the removal of the supply to ring on it's own battery. (not usually as loud but required no serious load from the system)

Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.

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