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Aritech CS350

Guest ray57127

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Guest ray57127

Hi All,

Hope someone can help me out. I recently had an Aritech CS350 Installed and am looking for some help in accesing the menus. The guy who installed it just showed us how to set and unset it and set up the code for us. The problem is I can't seem to be able to get into any of the menus for example to view the activity log or reset the password code e.t.c. The alarm was going off the other day and the neighbour switched it off

but I would have liked to know what zone it was as another neighbours alarm was going off also and I think someone may have been trying to break in as the alarm has never gone off before.

My parents have a similar aritech alarm and I can access the menus by keying in the code , I then get Arm Menu e.t.c and can scroll up and down the menus. When I try this on my own alarm it just arms immediately. Am I doing something wrong or has the installer set it up this way to stop me accessing the alarm functions so I need to call him out again and pay a call out charge? . Hope this all makes sense.

Thanks for taking the time to read this message and any help would be much appreciated and Happy Easter to you all.

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Guest securityconsultant

sounds like your code hasn't got menu access set up.think you might need your instller back again

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Guest ray57127

Hi ,

Thanks for the reply. Is it possible to set this up myself and is it normal not give user menu access. In other words do I have to keep ringing up and paying a call out charge when if i need to access the menus.

Thanks again.

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Are you sure the Installer didnt set up a few codes for you..?

Normally we set up 1 master code, and several user codes per system, so he`s been rather naughty if he only gave you a standard user code with no access to other alarm options.


Dave Partridge (Romec Service Engineer)

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Guest ray57127

Wouldn't surprise me at this stage , is there anything I can do,or do I need to get him back and could he say no to giving me a code for the menus.


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He should have at least set you up with 1 master code that allows you to do things like, reset the system, add other user codes, remove zones, change time & date etc etc.

If all you can currently do is set/unset the system, then your current code isnt really adequate for your requirements.

There`s not much you can do except contact him and ask him what your master user code is, he would have set one up for you and should have informed you of it.


Dave Partridge (Romec Service Engineer)

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Guest ray57127

Great , Thanks for all your help , I really appreciate the time and effort you have all spent in replying to me.

Thanks again.

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Trade Member

As Mr Kingswood said "Dont forget the 6 P's when installing.....Proper Preperation Prevents P*** Poor Performance!!!"

John Kingswood(alais Nobby), Paul Earl Ltd 1985-2006

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