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External Sounder Mounting/wiring


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Should have been more specific ...

mounting not a problem, I've got loads of double sided tape and silicone.

It's the cable routing that I'm trying to figure out.

At a guess id say drill through the brick at a 45° and then push the cable rods through and hope they pop out in the loft, then feed the cable through.

Any advances on that?

I'm going for 2 live sounders on the sheer principle that I've already got them both.

It is bells only, but I'm hoping to build something that alerts keyholders.

'till the next question ...

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Should have been more specific ...

mounting not a problem, I've got loads of double sided tape and silicone.

It's the cable routing that I'm trying to figure out.

At a guess id say drill through the brick at a 45° and then push the cable rods through and hope they pop out in the loft, then feed the cable through.

Any advances on that?

I'm going for 2 live sounders on the sheer principle that I've already got them both.

It is bells only, but I'm hoping to build something that alerts keyholders.


You could save yourself money by pulling the cable really tight and putting a knot in it, that should hold the bell close to the wall but don't forget to tape up the rear tamper just in case it flaps about in the wind.


You could then use your double sided tape and silicone for CCTV cameras if you decide to fit them.



:banghead: :banghead:

Edited by Pedders

Pete Bennett

Northern CCTV Services

T: 0845 838 7383

E: info@northern-cctv.co.uk


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Good point Datafussion, It's always worth an hour or so for a diyer to take a good look at the entire project, including the loft, before running a single cable.. it pays off in the long run. DWdave may well have a strobe on each box. I can sympathise with both sides of the argument as far as a latching strobe is concerned, However, I must come down on the side of 'latching' for this one.

Can someone tell me why we are using double sided tape and silicon ?

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Can someone tell me why we are using double sided tape and silicon ?


I assume "taking th piss"...

Mounting isn't the problem I foresee, however wiring to it will be.

why not take a photo & TSI will help / & or take the piss...

Mr th2.jpg Veritas God

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Good point Charlie.

I have cable trays and access routes for most of the cabling. Didnt really consider the sounder wiring as its being left until the system is built and soaked before I plug in any external nuisances .

external sounders have been mounted ands have some batteries powering the comfort leds at the moment.

Pedders - I'm running low on silicone but I've got some Pritt Stick. I'm sure that'll be the same. Thanks for the tip on knots. If that fails I might try out those wall plug things!!

'till the next question ...

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I can see the need for both items to be kept in the van for emergencies of some sort, but for the life of me Mr Happy, I can't see what they have to do with mounting a bellbox. ??? Seal the holes possibly ???

Must have missed a post somewhere.

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To allay your fears, the boxes are mounted with plugs and screws and perhaps only the cable hole will get a dab of silicone.

no sticky tape or pritt stick here.

But I suppose some mothers do have em. They are out there. Just not here

'till the next question ...

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You're doing well DW, no offence meant, I just couldn't understand what the double sided tape was for. I don't know what sounders you are using but, sometimes that silicone tube comes in handy to close up any obvious (and not so obvious) holes or potential rainwater entry points.. but only do this after you have finshed sorting the sounders. It may not be needed but there are still housings on the market with IP's of around 50 or less, I have one just fished from an old install, but not that old. (Always open to comment).

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