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Diy Alarm Installers My Hell


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Well was on call today and got sent to a property and information I got was. 


'Alarm panel just went out while doing diy around panel possible faulty tamper switch' 


So our alarm panels we install have 'Sealed' labels which basically means it been opened by a outside company so it can not be stuck together which I then asked the homeowner, Have you had a other alarm installer out as i see our sealed label is broken which he responded. 


'Oh No I opened it up as I added some extra PiR sensors and door contacts'

well that was the start. 


In our company the contract is quite clear which he voided his maintenance agreement which lead him to a

£85 call out fee (Sunday Fee)

£99 repair fee (He agreed for myself to fix the problem at cost to him)


He refused to pay as he felt he had not broke his contract with us to maintain his alarm and he said 'You got zero chance to get that money too'

He could of paid us £30 to get the stuff added and never broke his contract! 


How would you feel about it?  

Have any of you experienced this before? 


I was more annoyed he tried to tell call centre something different to get us to attend to repair and then refuse to pay for when he admitted he had broke the seal and etc. 


We even have a sticker on panel which says 'Do not open as maintenance contract will be voided and charged may be occurred for any faults and repairs call 0333 xxx xxxx to report faults'   

Edited by AlarmScot
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He would have had the panel nvm locked and user code changed to one we use until payment is received if it was us.


Once payment is received over the phone, they get the code and are told how to change it.

The opinions I express are mine and are usually correct!

(Except when I'm wrong)(which I'm not)

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He would have had the panel nvm locked and user code changed to one we use until payment is received if it was us.


Once payment is received over the phone, they get the code and are told how to change it.


Our panels are locked and which the system did not recognise the new contacts and etc.   But he had removed panel which the Tamper switch went off and that needs the engineer code on this alarm to switch the alarm off while the user code will silence it but it go off every 20mins until engineer code put in.


I would have taken pictures and send him an invoice. If not paid hand it to the debt collection agency along with his terms etc.

This is in our terms.


Oh as soon as I looked at the panel I took pictures of the seal and even made notes on system and got him to agree to statement and sign the statement.  Including agreed that he wanted myself to bring panel back to where we had last maintained the alarm. 


I did explain he got us to do the work and refused to pay us will result in this being passed to Credit Control who will properly pass this to a recovery agency which in Scotland we need go to Courts and get a Sheriff Officer for a writ/warrant to be issued.  I tried to get payment via our Chip n Pin Machines but he started to get rude and etc so I just left.


Myself I would NEVER touch electrics or my gas boiler coz I just don't know what I am doing but I think people think Alarms are easy as its just a few bits of cables. 

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