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Equipment changes


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bri i have a lot of systems that aint changed since the day they moved in...as for old detection...i have loads of systems that are still using old gear,and yes they do pick up....these are also the systems that give me the least trouble....

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money dave.........its all about money..never mind this customer ****....if it aint broke......................unless it starts causing probs then change/upgrade it..but as most customers are fully comp,the company foots the bill anyway

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come on, you know they're getting close to their use by date. There's some that will carry on for another ten years without problems, but when the old systems do start going wrong, they seem to carry on getting faults untill they're upgraded over time by 20 different engineer visits or just 'go' completely. This can be more costly and leave people without a system for days.

prevention is better than cure

If you don't know......ask.

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never noticed any use by date on passives etc...

leave customers without a system!!!!!!!!!!!! :w00t: bri who do you work for......here at //.National Installer.// we replace panels/systems on call.......never leave a customer without cover..

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I disagree Brian, We have plenty of customers with old antiquated systems still running perfectly after all these years.

Excepting recommending new batteries every 5 years (even then we can only advise), we dont upgrade anything for the sake of it. We only fix it if its broke, and only upgrade if thats whats required to meet regulations or new standards.


Dave Partridge (Romec Service Engineer)

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I've worked there too remember, and I have known faulty systems to be left downpowered and passed to install.


but surely you fitted some form of protection????even a little 9800 to cover temp the critical parts of the building :huh:

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I'm not saying fix it if it ain't broke. I'm saying replace it if it's old. And I must stress again, I would RECOMMEND an upgrade. If it's up to standard and the customer is happy and it's not problematic, then fine.

But why settle for old and ok when equipment is so much better these days (mainly control panels, admittedly)

getting a slating here, anyone want to back me up?


If you don't know......ask.

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