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M&s Let Their Muslim Workers Refuse To Sell You Pork And A Can Of Lager


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I don't consider myself religious, while i respect others beliefs. i went to a C of E school,my Dad always taught me to question everything i was told, to make informed decisions (as best i could).


view he had was there are many millions of religions, so which is the right one - if any are? better to 'sit on the fence' until your gone, and if there is an after life to apologise to the real God (or Gods) for not following them, but between times act towards others as you would like to be treated and respected by them.


tbh i tend to think the many native religions that worship the elements or hug tree's have the right idea, as having a more tangible effect on life. You get these people who relate to books written a long time ago and a lot of them in very hot countries. I don't pretend t have read much of them, but i do ask why certain restrictions are in place, and often it makes sense to use the 'fear of God' to prevent the masses from say drinking from a poisoned source of water.


My oldest is very religious, sometimes we have very heated discussions about his belief structures but retain our mutual respects and bonds. He hopes one day i will see the light, i hope one day he will be less gullible ;).



I do know first hand when someone is very religious then for what ever reason their faith is lost they can go go literally insane. A best friend, we got to our teens and he went very religious, spent all his time concerned in fund raising for church restorations, became a church warden etc. We drifted apart when i met my future wife.


No idea what happened but suddenly he flipped, ended up in prison for arson after he burnt several churches down he had helped to restore.


Likely he had a deep seated flaw in his mentality, immersed himself in religion and good works for guidance kept him sane, what ever happened after destroyed his belief system, devastating him to a degree that sent him way over the edge, last i heard he was in a mental home.



To me there is no answer to if their is a God, Gods or evolution, i do know having faith in yourself to be a good person to others is far less complicated :).

If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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why not push him over the edge & pop one of your famously short 50'000 word notes in a crimbo card ;)

Apparently and sadly, because he was a very close friend, he is now completely raving gaga. Whatever happened certainly fried his brain.

If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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