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Downside to the idea of stand alone gsm dialler or gsm camera is polling. How do you know it ain't working until someone gets done over and it doesn't work?

WW kit a bargain compared to what Secom want for void protection, £1200 a month I think according to website!

Hope landlord doesn't think it will be £99.99 with no ongoing though, like the last one that phoned me up!

Really? I'd be doing free install an £500 a month and laughing all the way to the bank.


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Great thanks Matthew for your help, I'll check it all out tomorrow. We're predominantly intruder on a fairly small scale so this stuff is to one side of our expertise.

The idea is to protect empty houses, usually small terraced, 2 up 2 down on behalf of landlords. Personally I don't think the guy asking has properly thought it through and ultimately none of it will happen, but it's worth spending a bit of time looking into the possibilities.

alarm protection invented a small detector gsm no video tho unit that would be ideal for that situation,if those houses are empty chances are the electricity is off too

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Downside to the idea of stand alone gsm dialler or gsm camera is polling. How do you know it ain't working until someone gets done over and it doesn't work?

Really? I'd be doing free install an £500 a month and laughing all the way to the bank.




alarm protection invented a small detector gsm no video tho unit that would be ideal for that situation,if those houses are empty chances are the electricity is off too


Off but there though usually? I have a one-way CU on a board I can connect when needs must. However, I suppose by the books

I wouldn't be allowed to connect it in a 'domestic' unless I renew my Part P. Bah.


That was interesting on that Terrier SP product though; the ultra low power GPRS mode. Does that exist as a profile on Webway? If it did, despite

the impending sale, I'd have one on the boat!

So, I've decided to take my work back underground.... to stop it falling into the wrong hands


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I know traditionally a spur but euro standards allow plug top and in the le sucre non approved home automation world no one cares about historic good practice.

I thought you were referring to the CU DD mentioned.

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I know traditionally a spur but euro standards allow plug top and in the le sucre non approved home automation world no one cares about historic good practice.

Feck it if we going down this route of no standards lets just get the customer to connect into the mains before we arrive for a fiver off the £99


am sure we would  get many takers

30 years of experience, ssaib approved family business.

We have a very long list of clients that we are very proud chose to use us. We have never bought out any other company or forced anyone to use us. All of our customers are free to leave us whenever they wish, yet very few ever have. This is down to the fact that we always put our best into every job.


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TBH I was just thinking of those empty properties where all the breakers / fuses have been removed to discourage squatters,

or some with the whole CU missing tails and all, that's all, for my temporary unit.


Clearly there is nothing within Part P to prevent a competent person fitting a spur just about anywhere (even kitchens now)

which is what I do normally.

So, I've decided to take my work back underground.... to stop it falling into the wrong hands


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