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Mr Happy Meets The Chavs

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Now & again I walk in the city centre to pay cheques in the bank, seeing the chav's & drunks lurking about.


On Friday a couple who looked the worse for drink where exchanging blows outside the college, class act...

Mr th2.jpg Veritas God

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Ms Matt will often want to come with me if I nip to spar on an evening and quite openly disses the local dross(C Haves as she calls them) and asks why they aren't at home doing their schoolwork or out with their parents.

I find it a bit sad I don't have a good answer for her. We do a few schools and they could be easily mistaken for a young offenders institute.


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Because their parents dont care about them,

They have no discipline,

The government has given them the upper hand.

And because they have **** all else to do.

Ultimatley the parents are to blame,

Kids round my way, i wonder if their parents would notice if they were dead, and then i think oh of course they would when the payments stop.

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Ms Matt will often want to come with me if I nip to spar on an evening and quite openly disses the local dross(C Haves as she calls them) and asks why they aren't at home doing their schoolwork or out with their parents.

I find it a bit sad I don't have a good answer for her. We do a few schools and they could be easily mistaken for a young offenders institute.

We are lucky where we live I can safely send my two to the local co-op without the fear of them being confronted by C haves, though my boy is now at the age where he wants to go to the park with his mates and last week he got into a fracar with a local, so this week he is asking me for kick boxing lessons 

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fisticuffs...oh dear, an idealist ?

A product of private school I'm afraid. Good behaviour, doing high standards of work and getting 2 hours homework each night are not an optional extra for her.

Because their parents dont care about them,

They have no discipline,

The government has given them the upper hand.

And because they have **** all else to do.

Ultimatley the parents are to blame,

Kids round my way, i wonder if their parents would notice if they were dead, and then i think oh of course they would when the payments stop.

I can hand on heart say in the 10 years she's been alive there hasn't been a time I didn't know where she was. On the discipline hand I've always been strict but being strict in the early days has prevented me a headache in later years. She's a very pleasant and friendly child who knows right from wrong and respects her parents which seems unusual these days.


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A product of private school I'm afraid. Good behaviour, doing high standards of work and getting 2 hours homework each night are not an optional extra for her.

Your not so blinkered to think there are no ills in private schools do you?

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We are lucky where we live I can safely send my two to the local co-op without the fear of them being confronted by C haves, though my boy is now at the age where he wants to go to the park with his mates and last week he got into a fracar with a local, so this week he is asking me for kick boxing lessons

Sadly I'd never agree to it. The park isn't that far away but I'd just be uncomfortable letting her go on her own. The times I've taken her there were no C haves around but I just wouldn't feel comfortable her going it alone. A very different time to when I was a kid and could go to the park a mile up the road frequently without issue.

Your not so blinkered to think there are no ills in private schools do you?

I can only speak about the one she goes to as I've no experience of any others. I'm sure things do go wrong but I take great comfort that I know most of the staff personally and that I can visit at anytime in the normal school day and spend time there. In the early days I did spend time there, not so much these days as things just seem fine. She's happy, her works good so don't feel the need but to me it says a lot about a school that will allow the parents to visit, without warning at any time. It gives me great comfort knowing I can if I want.


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