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...will send a signal to an ARC who will then determine whether it is a genuine or false alert. If genuine, the police respond at the household when they can depending on the alert level.


Modern systems on police response now have to have two detectors covering each area. (DD243)

One alarm (Intruder signal sent) this would be keyholders contacted by ARC.

Then if another alarm activated within confirm timer (Confirmed signal sent) Policed then Keyholders.

This is if the URN is in place, if not the ARC can only keyhold all signals.

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Modern systems on police response now have to have two detectors covering each area. (DD243)

One alarm (Intruder signal sent) this would be keyholders contacted by ARC.

Then if another alarm activated within confirm timer (Confirmed signal sent) Policed then Keyholders.

This is if the URN is in place, if not the ARC can only keyhold all signals.

Or there is audio verification and video verification, both are these are as the name suggests

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