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Defender Wireless Gsm System


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OK, guys,


Hope you are ready for this...   Bought the Defender GSM with a bit of fear and trembling, but do you know what - it's actually pretty good and does what it says on the box.  To be fair, some of the chinese made components look, how should I say this.... cheap. but thinking about it, the system is er... cheap. 


I stuck a virgin payg sim in with direct debit so it' won't run out. connected up a strobe siren, some pirs, some door contacts, a smoke alarm, a gas alarm and a keypad.  It took a couple of hours. Another hour to program in the numbers and a message and bobs your uncle - works like a dream.


The property is a holiday home so now the Defender will tell me whenever the power goes off, if there is a breakin, if there is a fire and it won't worry if the power is cut or if the phonelines are cut cos it's pretty much a stand alone system.  So for a couple of hundred pounds i got me a good system that has worked efficiently, at least for the last year with only one false alarm ( someone forgot to disarm before entering! )


Now, you guys who earn your living by installing more expensive products are probably going to be pretty miffed by this but I read your extremely biased reviews above and thought that someone who actually had the kit should let you know how it performed.  Right? and before you ask, I don't have any connection with any of the companies that sell these.  If I did, I wouldn't mention the absolutely diabolical instructions translated literally from the Chinese and the fiasco of trying to get the sim card into a slot that if you missed would drop down into the control box and be lost for ever.


But besides these problems I still believe it a good bit of kit.

It wont inform you of a fire though.


Because it will be the cause of the fire.

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hang on guys, he has a point.  i know for one i'm "Now, you guys who earn your living by installing more expensive products are probably going to be pretty miffed by this".


i don't think so.

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