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Local Panel Connections For Udl Using Netbook


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Windows ones would be fine.... if the panel has usb.

However i feel that slates or tablets would be better (we plan this) but the most popular and cheaper ones (so when the get dropped firm dont have a heart attack) wont run windows, but will run android.

So if it will work on android 3 (honeycomb) wich is currently a tablet only os (ie not smartphone) it will still work on android 2.3 (gingerbread) which is a smartphone one.

Plus if we have an app for UDL on android means we can have a prettier and stripped one for our customers.

But im sure they will do iphone first lol

securitywarehouse Security Supplies from Security Warehouse

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Would net books be any good for this? Does anybody actually use one? Lack of optical drives could be a pain, any other negatives?

We do for Texecom panels. No problems at all. Why would you need optical drive for UDL? Software downloaded straight from t'web.




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I was looking at something like this,


Reckon that could do the job for all the popular manufactures? Would need a USB/serial converter for the Gal, Cooper use USB, and you can get one for Texe? Lack of optical is only a pain when adding new programs really, easily copied to USB though

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should be fine

however i want to use tablets. We will be moving to them (windows ones probably) and jobs will be entered with them, manuals available, arc access etc. Plus you can use them to connect to panels and the lads will always have it with them as they need it for day to day use.

Then all we need to do is have the fire panel sw, intruder, access cctv etc and its the programming unit.

Then i want the panels to not be programmable fromthe keypad and i want the software to be controlled by the office (ie lost unit become inoperable etc)

securitywarehouse Security Supplies from Security Warehouse

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Excellent. Tablets would be fantastic, but our firm is a bit backward in thinking forward. We do all prog on site, which i'm changing (hence all the noob stupid UDL questions lol) Saves time/money. Thinking a net might be what we need, small enough for the vans, not the end of the world if dropped.


for free ;)? NSI Gold, near 400 contract company wink wink ;)

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.... and in case you're not aware of it, Texe supply a USB connection cable ... and a dedicated USB modem if you wanna do remote UDL which is rock solid.




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