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Driver Fined For Waning Of Police Speed Trap

arfur mo

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Large XXL size fingers on small touch keyboard the iPhone has just don't mix, wish I could use a puck as HTC phones.

Crazy thing is for some reason I tend to miss the space bar most, which just happens to be the largest key of all.

that makes a long word out of four,, then the spell checker chucks in it own interpretation to add to the fun.

I did correct it before edit timed out :).

Might do a post showing some of the funny auto changes it's suggested, think it's been sneaking a tipple from my rusty Ovaltine can.


If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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Think I'll avoid parking on a yellow when visiting the wife's family who live near Hull :o)


If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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Think I'll avoid parking on a yellow when visiting the wife's family who live near Hull :o)

Hull is wardens from a private company, the local rag (HDM) says there where 60 parking tickets dished out in council car parks in Beverley (East Riding Council))on new yrs day, funny how councils can't empty bins on holidays but can do fines ?

Mr th2.jpg Veritas God

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Spent a brilliant day in the snow at Beverly heights when kids were young. Bunch if guys 40 strong were jumping on a canvas and sliding down in a heap, rough as hell looking mob. Kids followed down crashing into them on sledges, we thought they were going to die.

insted they just scruffed them up, brushed them off and sent them back up again, they were just great fun, made the Christmas memorable for all the right reasons.


If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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