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The Secret That Dare Not Speak It's Name..........


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All the companys I have worked for (with the expection of the two nationals) the owners have been Freemasons. Have the Masons taken over :rolleyes: but more to the point how much of an influence have the Masons on the Alarm trade?. Can you run a successful alarm company without being a Freemason? :cold2:


My God It's Full of Stars

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All the companys I have worked for (with the expection of the two nationals) the owners have been Freemasons. Have the Masons taken over :rolleyes: but more to the point how much of an influence have the Masons on the Alarm trade?. Can you run a successful alarm company without being a Freemason? :cold2:

So come on then, how many companies have you worked for?

Could be you've only worked for 4, therefore it's only a 50%

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So come on then, how many companies have you worked for?

Could be you've only worked for 4, therefore it's only a 50%

I may of only worked for 7 companys so take out that leaves 5 but I know of at least another 7 companys whose owner is in the brotherhood, is this the only way to get big contracts? :fear:


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I don't think its that. More to do with a lot of companies being started by ex policemen. Also a lot of the larger systems etc are given to old established firms etc, more to do with lower risk for the client.

In my local area only 2 or 3 of the established firms have owners that I know are masons.

But most people don't make a noise about it so I may be wrong.

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All the companys I have worked for (with the expection of the two nationals) the owners have been Freemasons. Have the Masons taken over but more to the point how much of an influence have the Masons on the Alarm trade?. Can you run a successful alarm company without being a Freemason?

We are a NACOSS, successful and im a Mason. I am not alone on these pages.

Do i get work from being a mason? NO!

Once upon a time i would not have identified myself as a Mason other than by sign understood only to other Masons. It is agreed that this should change and Masons should now declare themselves. The reason ids due to people and posts such as yours that believe Masonry is a secret society. We are not. We are a society with secrets.

The reason for my involvement in Freemasonry is explained on my opening line.


Masonry is a way to pay something back for which I was grateful to have received without having to tell the world about what I am doing.

My duty as a mason is to try improving myself and the life’s of the people around me to become better people.

You think you have what it takes then give it a try?

I repeat I have NEVER been given a job because I am a Free Mason, I concede I would prefer to think I was offering my business to a person who has similar values to mine.


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I repeat I have NEVER been given a job because I am a Free Mason, I concede I would prefer to think I was offering my business to a person who has similar values to mine.

id agree with that

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Its a fact of life gain work from the circles you move in, if your mason (I'm not) the social aspect of your lodge will lead (or should lead)to enquirers from people you speak to, same if your member of golf club / church ect....

Mr th2.jpg Veritas God

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Its a fact of life gain work from the circles you move in, if your mason (I'm not) the social aspect of your lodge will lead (or should lead)to enquirers from people you speak to, same if your member of golf club / church ect....

I try very hard not to work for friends or family. When asked what i do for a living i say im an electrician, IF im asked about plugs and lights i say i dont do that type of electrical work anymore. its a fact i had my own house rewired by another reputable electrical contractor (iwas to busy). i do however agree with your comments.


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