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Cctv System


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Think very carefully about this. Will CCTV stop you getting burgled? No. Will you be able to cry watching footage of 'someone' unidentifiable in a hoody walking away with all your stuff? Yes.

Physical Security first, Alarm second then CCTV.

The opinions I express are mine and are usually correct!

(Except when I'm wrong)(which I'm not)

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CCTV may be a tool to aid with the apprehension of intruders BUT it is certainly not the be all and end all of security. Some many times have i witnessed images from very good cctv systems and to be honest most times the images were ok but not the best things in the world :(

Now only having

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Colin, get real.

"If you carry your childhood with you, you never become old. Why rush to end life when happiness is in the blissfulness of childhood innocence."

"We all die, the goal isn't to live forever, the goal is to create something that will."


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Good point about CCTV not stoping the burglars but presence of CCTV will deter people.

I am a joiner by trade so I am a little clued up with security regarding stronger doors, locks etc...

No matter how much I spend or do within in reason they will still get in. By making a building more secure this will slow the burgler down and hopefully someone will spot or hear the burgler. As I have explained already with my location there is no one to see or hear anything in the daytime.

However I will obviously upgrade the security on the doors etc as this will detur the inexperienced burgler.

Or I could use the old traditional method of man traps, punji pits and other booby traps LOL

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Or a moat & crocs IMO rob. :D

seriously though do your chippy stuff to make entry as difficult as possible & go for a dummy bellbox and dummy cctv until you can get an intruder system and/or cctv system that will provide remote indication of a break in.


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