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How Am I Doing So Far?


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Hi Guys.

All the gear has now turned up, great ready for me to start installation on monday.

Anyone have any ideas where the cheapest place is to buy a 12v 2.1ah battery from?

So as I have said, all the gear has arrived and im looking forward to sitting down and reading the manual tonight, er, em, maybe not as there ain't one, :ranting:

Looks like i maybe moving onto 'Plan B', suck it and see. If it works it works, if it doesn' t I may have many questions for you lot on here, lol!

The napcos, i have insturctions for, the bell box doesn't look too difficult, but the alarm panel.................

I maybe worrying over nothing, but only time will tell.

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If its an lcd keypad its easy, if its led you'll have problems.

What panel version number on the main chip?

Yes its LCD (i presume you mean its easier as you can program it on the LCD), which i do have the users guide for.

I'll have to check the version number when I get home, but for some reason v1.0 rings a bell (but that may have been the PCB).

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You should be able to wing it with an lcd keypad as its visible menus - current version pcb is 8.something, its had a chequered history!

I did say it was brand new but old stock :whistle:

I suppose most of my problems will be the acronyms printed on the PCB, but im sure I'll figure them out.

Just out of interest, one presumes as the panel is supplied like it, that any unused zones should have a link across the terminals? There's a metal link in all zones at the moment across the terminals.

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Ok, just checked and the control panel is v5.0 with the keypad being v1.0

I've also noticed a sticker inside the keypad which says 'Expires March 2007', what does this mean?

Yes that makes sense, a resistor for each unused zone, gotch ya, and one in each PIR for each zone.

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