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I Dunno....

Guest anguscanplay

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The only reason to switch is that Bill Gates wants you to !!-Microsoft has the monopoly and wants it to stay that way !.

I run Office 2007 etc but the main prob is older progs/hardware may not work with Vista-if you have a choice on the operating system that comes with your new lappy choose XP for the time being.Bring back DOS 7-Oh but it's to late for that-we have no choice anymore!.


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My new PC came with Vista installed.... That lasted 24 hrs.... It's pretty_______________ Awful..

XP pro on it now, but took me flippin ages to find the XP drivers.


Dave Partridge (Romec Service Engineer)

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My new PC came with Vista installed.... That lasted 24 hrs.... It's pretty_______________ Awful..

XP pro on it now, but took me flippin ages to find the XP drivers.

used both alot, no problem with any of them, all the old programs have worked with vista. alsthough i am used to xp and would still kind of go with that.

all risco software now works on vista angus.

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I was going to upgrade to XP but was advised strongly against it by a couple of people who are always into getting the latest anything! Aside from programs not working they couldn't put up with the "Do you want to do that?","Do you really want to do that?","Are you really sure you really want to do that?" etc!

So turn the option off. Simple.

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used both alot, no problem with any of them, all the old programs have worked with vista. alsthough i am used to xp and would still kind of go with that.

all risco software now works on vista angus.

persoanlly dont like working with vista, reminds me too much of apple mac


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isnt there any reason to switch ? this is going to be a fairly high spec machine T82?? 2.?ghz 3gb ram and 350gb hard drive thats having all new office pro 2007 etc and none of my old proggrames ( new machine / fresh start type thing)

what does vista do that xp can`t?

Stick to Vista Angus. You're going for new all round so what's the worry?

If you really do need to use XP for the odd programme, avoid dual boot, messy. Especilly whith the machine already coming with Vista. Easier to just use Virtual machine if older OP required. The machine you are getting is more than capable of coping.

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Stick to Vista Angus. You're going for new all round so what's the worry?

If you really do need to use XP for the odd programme, avoid dual boot, messy. Especilly whith the machine already coming with Vista. Easier to just use Virtual machine if older OP required. The machine you are getting is more than capable of coping.

I agree with Cubit.

I HATED Vista for the first month and had to battle daily to find things that Microsoft had moved around. Once I found where everything was, it all began to make sense and I realised why I didn't like it in the first place - because IT'S DIFFERENT. When we reach a certain age - we don't like change.

Had Vista for over a year, use it 8-10 hours a day and yet to have it crash.

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