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Funeral Parlours

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this threads been interesting, as an off shoot i used to wok the east side of london which had several abotuars on my patch, got to say watch the cows go in the door, and seeing all the 'waste' bins steaming and the smell made me feel real queasy. so always did them when they were not working.

anyone for a burger?



One of these in Sheffield, cow goes in, all your household products come out.

Luckily most of the Cameras are external and the smell is kind of sealed in, but working inside - Nightmare!

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One of these in Sheffield, cow goes in, all your household products come out.

Luckily most of the Cameras are external and the smell is kind of sealed in, but working inside - Nightmare!

It never ceases to amaze me what we engineers get asked to do. Cameras on a slaughterhouse. Yep, I can see the value in theft. I guess, we all know some bloke down the pub who can get anything. I take it the burgers were going out during the day & not when the alarm set.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I've done a slaughter house as well, a Piggy One.

All I can say is I refused to go in when they were 'working'!

The only part of the pig they don't use is the oink.

One of my colleagues climbed into the pen and started stroking the pigs saying it won't hurt!!


I too have had to do a Slaughter house and was not amused when i entered the room where the cutting is done, not nice. From that day on i always took an apprentice with me to site ;)

The worst bit was seeing the guys in the mess room eating sarnies whilst up to their eyes in blood

Needless to say that evening Salad was top of the list.

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  • 7 years later...

I used to service the CCTV in a local Crem, i was always facinated and had the "XXX" guided tour, doors open while they burn. It was a entertaining to me to see them burning, far from gruesome, but then again it was all down to the location if you catch my drift!

I too have done cctv service in a crem in london, the "guided tour" door/window you mentioned i think has to do with muslims/islam. i think their religion requires them to see the process or something like that.


I remember cleaning a camera directly above an oven (it was on) normal practice is a paintbrush to dust them off/clean cobwebs. I remember dusting it over the top and about a cm of ash/dust came off the top and thinking how many people did i just brush away :- ....


I made a point not to smell or breathe through my nose whilst in there as the ovens were on and it was a busy place and i didn't want that smell in my memory.

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Ironically you have resurrected this dead thread.

In the horror story section, very fitting. 


I dont know why i was talking like the thread was a day old and the op's were gonna read it :D

Edited by Rob Kirk
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