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Everything posted by jiml

  1. I think I should chime in here. The 1600 is about twenty years old. The last manual is dated 2001. Sorry we can't support it. You can still download manuals at I will PM the login details. In all honesty, with a panel this old, and for the cost of a new panel, I would say replace it. Euro46 should do the job but the EOL resistors will have to be changed. easy!
  2. The App Store and play store have screen shots of the app. Keep an eye on pyronix.co.uk for news.
  3. Giving out release dates is bad luck. I am testing and finding no bugs. If I tell you a date, I will find a bug that will put the date back. That's how it works lol.
  4. The PCB in the enforcer is wrapped up the case quite tightly and is hard to swap without damage. Plus the modem needs to be changed. Also the panel would have to be the later one with the extra power socket for then GSM. So it is easier just to change the panel. Sorry chaps but it will be worth it.
  5. It's a new panel. New modems and panel firmware. It will not be practical to upgrade existing panels. But all peripherals will work for a panel swap.
  6. The UK version was the first and the export version was developed later. Minimum requirements are different and they don't have things like BS8243 to worry about. Some countries seem to have a loose interpretation of the EN50131 also. The next version of the enforcer was shown at IFSEC and everyone that saw it was impressed. The app is now ready and I am now testing te UK panel for final release. Search the play store or the iOS App Store for Pyronix Home Control. It's free and you can't use it yet, but you can install it in anticipation if you like.
  7. I think you ay be viewing the International version of the website and seeing details of the Export version of Enforcer. The UK Enforcer does not respond to messages sent to it (yet). Go to the the 'change region' button at the top right to select UK English. Then you should see only features of the UK version. Sorry about that. UDL does require CDS to be enabled and different networks do this in different ways. I have found T-Mobile to be the most friendly as the Data number is the same as the voice number and it is on by default (your experience may vary, networks change things all the time). Some networks also do not allow incoming calls on CDS. Again I found T-Mobile to allow this. When it is all setup, the UDL works just like the PSTN modem.
  8. Check the sensitivity of the detector is set to high. It should be if the pet filter is fitted.
  9. assuming I have the panel connections correct I (which I have never used), I think this will do you. any one confirm?
  10. Pyronix are going to IFSEC for the first time in about four or five years. Should be interesting at the new venue.
  11. 41 downloads

    Castle Caretech Euro System manual v9.1
  12. Okay, what was the EuroOne platform now Euro162 has MSX cards and that is the only way to update the firmware. The newer panels Euro46 and Enforcer can be flashed via the RS232 port but the flash dongle is not released and it should be done by one of our reps in the field. So normally advice from product support is to swap the PCB as that is faster. But the facility is there and we are developing it.
  13. I agree, it can be done but we have to be vary careful. In the mean time we have very few updates so flash dongles and MSX cards still work for us. We will get there.
  14. Agreed, but it is engineer function so this implies the engineer should be on site to do it? Or do they fully trust it as an autoupdate?
  15. Version RINS1549-1


    Pyronix Enforcer Programming & Installation Manual for v9 panels
  16. So you still have to go to site. Where is the advantage over flash dongles or MSX cards?
  17. Same advice for Enforcer GSM but we have not had reports of issues. I think the way modern two way wireless repeat lost signals will overcome other interference in the most part.
  18. Windows update has caused pcs to crash due to variations in setup that where not tested. Are you sure you want alarm panels to do this? Put of interest, does HKC auto update or is it user or engineer triggered? I am sure we will do this and quite soon. I just worry for the day a panel crashes due to an update and there is a loss.
  19. Indeed. I am find it very useful and interesting getting involved here. It would be good if more manufacturers where on here and a few more installers for that matter.
  20. 26 downloads

    Pyronix Remote Proximity Reader INSTALLATION MANUAL
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