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Everything posted by sixwheeledbeast

  1. Here many CS2300 type, some Gradeshift older ones won't be. CS5600 recently for keyholder only stuff. Even have a couple of old white GPRS ones out there, not sure of the model number.
  2. Monitoring stations have recently moved from 0870 to 0844. I would say this legislation means they would have to move to 03 numbers, given that many companies use there services OOH
  3. I believe there are other items that are two way, but yes the detection is one way.
  4. I think there pants. Basically an adjustment for the PIR's sensitivity.
  5. Visionic has new 2way stuff. I read it as look out for 1 way in these manufacturers.
  6. Same here for our preferred product, I don't see why I am being "mental". Just like you don't do Scantronic we don't do Risk-o, the Rokonet detector was the nail in the coffin years ago.
  7. I wouldn't agree, but to each there own.
  8. Most good quality quads have background temperature compensation, without having to switch to microwave only. Like http://www.optex-europe.com/products/optex/44-oml-dam/
  9. My opinion is if they have got into the premises to use an umbrella or cloak then the protection isn't correct. Masking could be done days before a break in so AM is important here.
  10. Better to find a decent installer than a system IMO. Different companies use there own preferred kit.
  11. The brand ACT, however, I haven't seen any other "Anti-Cloaking" detectors. Why do you feel you need anti-cloaking detectors?
  12. Find three or four local approved companies and get them out for a quote/risk assessment. http://www.thesecurityinstaller.co.uk/community/forum/268-uk-security-installers-by-regional-police-force/ Go with the company you feel most comfortable with not the cheapest. If your in doubt post the quotes up here so we can give our opinions.
  13. Well If you have less than 16 devices yes. I have used Bosch pet PIR's they seems to work but as I have already said "Pets == Perimeter Protection" I actually said FX50QZ if you read my post again carefully. I have already answered these questions.
  14. Bit of **** never hurt anyone. Normally you can tell if you want a brew from how well the house is kept
  15. Without seeing the picture I'd say that's a good shout.
  16. I would normally recommend perimeter protection for rooms with pets, especially for cats. K Band DT or I prefer a Super Quad PIR. I.E. Honeywell DT7550 or Optex FX50SQ I haven't used one but I imagine only the casing is different. Installing them and wiring them correctly! Ideally they should be on there own zone. May not even be possible to do this depending on the panel and cabling.
  17. Never connect anything in parallel on the speaker terminals. Impedance is important so the driver doesn't get damaged. A sound bomb is a sounder and would have to be connected to the bell terminals.
  18. I echo dd's comments Facing the front door is not ideal for a PIR, walking towards a detector has less detection beams than across. I would recommend a front door contact for starting and terminating the timer (final set). Check the settings inside the detector.
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